messier3184 wrote:
I have a lot of experiences that my soul is leaving my body or better say I am
leaving my body in the time that I am not slept but something between to be
conscious and deeply slept.In this situation I always felt frightened and try to
be awake because I feel I am dying

. The surprising point is that you can see
your surroundings while your eyes are closed! One time I saw my father
passing me and when I forced myself to be awake I saw him that was walking
to his room passing me . That was really frightening

. I am posting this to
ask people if this happen to them and if it is ,what happen to them if you let your
soul to separate from you completely because I always force my self to be
awake! And also
I want to know if this is real or no , just perturbations in mind
cause this.
Easy! Try this:
1. Ask one of your family members to take a deck of cards and deal 4-5 cards face up on a table or somewhere right outside of your room.
2. When you go to sleep and your "soul" is leaving your body, travel to that location and see if you can tell what the cards are.
3. After you have woken up, write down what cards you saw. Then go check
to see if they match.
If the cards don't match, it means you simply had a lucid dream. Your "soul" never traveled. If the cards do match, then you should contact the FBI/CIA to apply for a job position
