Mon 16 Apr, 2012 05:57 pm
ST. LOUIS – In a speech at the National Rifle Association’s annual meeting,
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney sought to reassure
the crowd that he will be a strong defender of gun owners’ rights
and allay concerns among NRA members that he is too moderate.
“We need a president who will stand up for the rights of hunters and sportsmen,
and those seeking to protect their homes and their families.
President Obama has not. I will,” Romney said. “And if we are going to safeguard
our Second Amendment, it is time to elect a president who will defend the rights
President Obama ignores or minimizes.”
As governor of Massachusetts, he backed laws that are anathema
to the national gun lobby — an assault weapons ban and a waiting period
to buy firearms — and once engendered skepticism, if not outright hostility,
from some gun owners.
As the governor of Massachusetts, Romney supported an assault weapons ban
and a waiting period for gun purchases, and has had a rocky relationship
with the NRA over the years. On Friday, he did not specifically address
Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law, which has NRA support and is
at the center of the Trayvon Martin shooting controversy.
Romney focused much of his speech not on gun ownership rights,
but instead on restoring and protecting “freedoms” through fidelity
to the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, and
he went on the attack against Obama for what he called an “assault on freedoms.”
“This president is moving us away from our Founders’ vision,” Romney said.
“Instead of limited government, he’s leading us toward
limited freedom and limited opportunity.”
Calling tax hikes an assault on economic freedom, Romney went after
the president for his proposal to raise taxes on the richest Americans
with the so-called Buffett Rule, which would require households
earning over $1 million annually to pay a minimum tax of 30 percent.
Romney also slammed Obama for what he called an administration
proposal to raise marginal tax rates from 35 percent to 40 percent –
although the president has in fact proposed no such tax hike.
“Congress does not need more money to spend,” Romney said.
“Congress needs to learn to spend less.”
Romney’s focus on restoring “freedoms” stretched across economic, religious,
and personal issues, with calls to reduce environmental regulations,
repeal the Obama health care law and ensure that conservatives
are appointed to the high court.
Romney scoffed at the president’s comments that it would be
“extraordinary” and “unprecedented” for the Supreme Court to
strike down the Affordable Care Act, arguing that judicial review
requires the court to strike down any law violating the Constitution,
which he believes the act does.
“That’s the problem with people who view the Constitution as living and evolving,
not timeless and defining,” he said.
“They never want to explain just who it is that’s going to decide
what the Constitution means and in what way they would have it evolve.”
[All emfasis has been added by David.]
His speech coud have been worse. I expected it to be, to wit:
any lies calculated to entice our votes. His promises were modest.
He did not run hog-wild. He seemed to be telling the truth.
I 'd love to see Newt get elected.
I wonder about his statement that:
"“We need a president who will stand up for the rights of hunters and sportsmen,
and those seeking to protect their homes and their families. "
This seems to suggest that if a citizen is attacked by violent criminals
when he is IN HIS HOME, or when he is accompanied by his FAMILY,
then he is free to defend himself, but not if he becomes the victim
of criminal violence when he is in the street, alone.
That is not what the Constitution says. It says that:
". . . the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Romney failed to show proper recognition of this freedom.