mandy832 wrote:It is almost four months since my only child Eric passed away (12/23/2011). Ever since then I fell empty inside and my life doesn't seem to have a meaning. Every morning I used to get up from bed and started making breakfast and lunchpack for Eric. Then I woke him up and brought to kitchen. I enjoyed the look on his face when he saw his favorite pancakes with maple syrup. When I wake up now I have this strong feeling to go to the kitchen and start making pancakes. But then I realize that he's not here anymore. I lost the purpose to live and even if I try to fight it I don't think I'm able to stand it any more. I'm loosing the will to live..
Can someone help me? Is there anyone with same feelings??
Mandy, please bear in mind that
1OOOs of people have returned from death in hospitals, including myself.
Personally, I remembered only awakening in the I.C.U.,
but many people have remembered life outside of their human bodies,
and thay were very angry at being forced to resume life inside a human body.
Some of them have compared it to "being put back in jail."
It was enjoyable being outside of our human bodies.
Altho I do not remember my deaths during surgery,
I remember several out-of-body experiences that I had
while awake (most of them while I was on-the-job in court) I suggest that u try
That will
raise your
morale, in my opinion.
I 'm pretty sure that Eric is a lot happier now
than he was before he got out of his human body.
I like the way it was put by Deepak Chopra, M. D.
when he said that people think that we are human beings with occasional spiritual experiences,
but we are spiritual beings with occasional human experiences.
U asked: "Is Death the Answer?"
I like to compare it to the death of the exoskeleton
that is
molted off by a healthy lobster, who goes along, on his way,
enjoying his life after he has
abandoned it,
the death of the materials left behind by a butterfly
who hatches and flys up and away to enjoy his life.