Sat 14 Apr, 2012 10:17 am
Where have we gone wrong? Why has this joint become incest central lately?
If you have ever had an incestuous relationship, or dreamed of it . . .
. . . keep it to yourself, 'K?
Okay if we discuss my fixation on the neighbor's palomino?
Sure . . . i have no objecxtion to good, clean sexual obsession . . .
That's probably only a temporary fixation.
Craze - please use the word "craze" for it, k?
Im a petophiliac. I search the web for pictures of young kittens, then I share them with others so afflicted.
Bless me fadda
I tried to find a vid for that line from the 1938 Boys' Town movie with Spencer Tracy . . . no luck . . .
I am gratified that everyone here has had the decency not to mention philately . . .
Horse play is acceptable as long as you don't ride side-saddle.
Do they then get your stamp of approval?
Deep bow (but no to show butt cleavage).
Don’t look at me I don’t have a sister, even if I did nothing would ever happen between us
jcboy wrote:
Don’t look at me I don’t have a sister, even if I did nothing would ever happen between us
Yeah....but that's cheating. What about your BROTHER?
I always wanted a younger brother.
Not my own.
Beth is my name. Younger brothers are my game.
My female doggie, Dolly, humps my male doggie, Madison, at least one time each day ---some times two or three times. Maddy doesn't mind. Butrflynet and I just giggle.
Had to go back to setanta's original post to remember his intent starting the thread. Only on the internet would someone proclaim such stuff. In their off line lives, I bet their mouths are glued shut.
I don’t have a brother either, would never work out; I’m into Latin’s.
Does he really speak Latin?
I think that involves dancing.