Sun 1 Apr, 2012 05:46 am
Recently, I encountered someone in this forum, ostensibly a newcomer,
who was acting like an annoying pest. I suggested reciprocal Ignore.
He agreed, mentioning that it did not matter because he had many other identities.
I think we remember that from Abuzz,
but I thought that we left that behind us,
along with some of the more egregious misconduct that befell the place.
I had only this identity, there and here.
Do we have this problem here & now ??
sure there have been a few, one recent one (i believe) is yahoojack who was once JoeBruno
i've confronted him/her/it on this and he/she/it more or less admitted they were one and the same
The individual that I mentioned
was indicating that had nullified the effect of the Ignore function,
by-passing it, with his deception.
i've been known to have multiple personalities on A2K, but only one identity (i have created a few joke id's associated with a particular stupid thread at one time or another, and i think i might have used one)
It saddens me to know that.
I remember on Abuzz when
ONE woman
showed her skill by successfully impersonating someone else
and then it became all the rage, with many, many victims of impersonation, led by her joke. Bad news.
if i start a new identity, it does nullify the ignore, it works off the username, not the ISP
i nullify the effects of the ignore button too, by continuing to post responses even if i know i'm being ignored, curiosity almost always gets the best of folks (them and all those deceased cats

djjd62 wrote:if i start a new identity, it does nullify the ignore, it works off the username, not the ISP
The Ignore button was a good filter.
I like that button.
djjd62 wrote:i nullify the effects of the ignore button too, by continuing to post responses even if i know i'm being ignored,
curiosity almost always gets the best of folks (them and all those deceased cats

Your posts can be
read by all of us,
and some of us might very well disagree with the Ignorer.
If u reply to the posts of someone who has u on Ignore,
u r
not necessarily addressing
Having done it a few times,
I was surprized to find that I get an answer from
HIM. He cheated.