That was excruciating. I had to turn it off before the end.
I'm wondering why the fellow who recorded this exchange then chose to post it on YouTube.
He wants the whole world to know he's married to a dumbo?
What does that say about him?
I think some of you are taking this too seriously.
Have ya'll looked at what some people have posted on youtube?
This guy doesn't come across that he doesn't love his wife, AND I don't think she's dumb for real.
She was just having a **** for brains moment, and he happened to be there to catch it.
Damn, if I had to worry about every little thing I laughed at, I'd just lock myself up in a closet.
My husband has stories about me he'll share with anyone about some dumb things I've done. Not because he doesn't have respect for me, but because it was just freaking funny.
If I was that woman, I'd be laughing along with everyone else.
Don't take life so seriously, none of us are gonna get out of it alive.
And yeah, I'll bet she's really hot when she's nekkid, considering she can run a mile in 7 minutes.
OMG, I just realized that we need bigger tires on the car!