Fri 6 Feb, 2004 12:15 am
J.C. (N*Sync) was suppose to preform at the half time for the pro bowl this weekend but because of what happened at the Super Bowl they question what he was going to do.
The NFL already knew what song he was going to do and the chorography. He was singing Women who like to dance with Women. It is to be his new single. They didn't like the song and wanted him to change it - though they already pre approved it a month ago. They wanted the girls to be more clothed. So he agreed to sing another song and have the girls wear jerseys. Not good enough. They then deicide that he isn't appropriate entertainment for the Pro Bowl. They then ask him to sing the National Anthem. But since they said he wasn't appropriate for the half time show what makes him so for the National Anthem so he said no.
They bash him in the Newspaper saying that he did not show up for rehearsals that is why they had to cut him.
The NFL is running a great deal by an incident that was only one woman's fault. J.C. may be from a boy band but he knows a lot of people, which are mostly from the music business, and cutting him from the Pro Bowl for something stupid is not a great idea.
Right now the NFL is getting close to doing something that they cannot take back. If they go further with their paranoia the music industry could protest and they could never get anyone famous to sing the National anthem. Next years Super Bowl entertainment will suck. To the happiness of some because then it reverts back to being just about football.
Your thoughts?
Sucky entertainment-will bring it into line with the game being played!