I was hoping izzy that at least one thread could make wit the primary characteristic rather than playing a kid's game.
I have played crib for very many hours and nobody ever even hinted that I was a difficult opponent or partner. For money too. Card games are silly without money. Treatment in the community type of thing.
Since when have you been in the dumbing down brigade? It is not just a game at all. It is supposed to be entertaining. And challenging. What's entertaining or challenging about taking 3 letters out of denial and making ionise for no other reason than it was the first one thought of out of a large number of possibilities.
Making labias out of it provides two jokes, at least, depending which way you look at it. Meaningful jokes too.
Do you not wish to try to amuse us or is it a lack of confidence that you can.
Most of my contributions on the other game threads try to amuse. It isn't always possible due to the limits set. But this inspired game is far more open ended. And everybody here will deny having a closed mind I'm sure. But when tested they fall at the first hurdle. It turns out to be another self-flattering assertion.
I even gave a demo to show how easy it is. And this is Ask an Expert. What caused you to come to a site with that name when you resist a slight attempt at some expertise.
Those who think it is just a game have missed quite a lot of good jokes over the years due to not expecting to find any.
In the 4 letter game would you go from "clay" to "clap" or to "clag". "Clad" doesn't do anything for me. I could stretch to "clam" at a push. "Clan" isn't bad anthropologically. It's smut-free though. How about Yale? They mould the clay there I heard.