Sun 29 Jan, 2012 10:05 pm
Hello, I recently was searching for information on the RHS masters of Horticulture, and have found that it looks like a dodgy course. I say this for a number of reasons incluiding that you apparently can put MHort (RHS) after your name, but on checking the titles and education awards web sites can not find this as a recoginsed title. Also there are very few student comments, and a wealth of 'what the course can do for you'. I decided to look into it futher and found that the recomened reading for the subject matters are on the internet! Not a very good Degree level education. Has anyone else considered this dodgy qualification? What was your exeperince?
Hi tellemall
I have looked into this 'degree' and have found this from the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ). I can not find this orgainsiation on their list of providers. The FHEQ is the higher educational framework for the UK.
@Region Philbis,
Darn, they sure can't slip nuthin' past you, RP!
Ya think one of them is a ventriloquist?