Those two seem to think they're the only entertainers on this site. I got a little sick of all their bragging about fame, glory, groupies, sex, drugs, the whole bit.
I sat down and fumed for awhile and then said to myself, "Hell, Gus, you got more talent than those two. Don't just sit here and mope -- get the boys together and go on tour."
So I called up my cousin, Joe Birdidnick; Cletus, from the feedmill; Charlie Pidarkski (Gertrude's son) ; and Ralph, from the hardware store.
We haven't played together for quite some time, but we practiced tonight and, damn, I still have it!
I got out my trademark red suspenders and started belting out those tunes like there was no tomorrow.
Matilda and Gertrude were in the audience and you should have seen those two ol' gals perspiring as they watched my bump and grind routine. Heh, heh... I thought they were going to faint.
So lookout, Bear and Ceili. There's a new band in town.