Hjarloprillar wrote:I lived in age of reds under the bed. of global nuclear war.
The global nuclear event.. ww3.
Never happened because it was a sham.
The fact that there was no global nuclear event
not related to the
Third World War,
which was painfully real.
Hjarloprillar wrote:Ps .. could you use actual words? u=you r=are. says YOU are very young.
and uneducated
No. I am making up for my foul complicity in perpetuating
anti-logical paradigm of non-fonetic spelling.
I am guilty of having supported it, used it, when I was in professional practice,
prior to my retirement therefrom some years ago.
I now seek to drag it down by showing faster, more logical,
more efficient ways of spelling. I apply a liberal vu to this.
I intend to subvert the extant tradition
as well as possible, by example on Internet fora.