Hello Able2Know.com!
Over the past several weeks, I have been looking at e-mail providers and e-mail security software. I have, however, come up with some questions.
My first question, the PGP (Pretty Good Protection) encryption software, is it worth it if one uses web-based e-mail services like Hotmail and Yahoo? Is it worth purchasing the $50 version from
Second question. I have been considering getting a new e-mail address and possibly a new provider. Right now I have Hotmail. I like Hotmail and its ability to download e-mail to Outlook and Outlook Express but I dislike these applications. Are there any alternatives to these applications that would allow me to download my e-mail from Hotmail and save it on my hard drive? Would I be violating an service agreement if I tried using the process described
HERE to use Mozilla's e-mail client?
Third and, I think, final question. Yay, right? I thought so. I seem to have this thing about writing
LONG posts. LOL
Anyway, here it is. I like Hotmail for two reasons. One is the Passport thing that "good old Bill" (and I use this lightly) started and two the ability to download the e-mails to my computer. I hate, however, the limited space. I would like to switch to a different provider. I found one, which I'll talk about in a second, but does anyone know where I could find other providers, for free, that offer a decent about of space, has creditability, and the ability, also for free, to download the e-mails to my computer?
In my search, I have found one that provides lots of space (10MB) and the ability to download e-mails and that is
Fast Mail. (This is the free version I am talking about, with IMA/web access.) However, I have never really heard of them. Has anyone heard anything about this company or seem reviews of the service? Also, what does it mean when it says it adds "taglines" to e-mails?
Well, I think that is about it for now. LOL
Thanks for any advice/comments/help. Its always appreciated.