Quote: Basically, Halton Arp and others have demonstrated numerous cases of very high and very low redshift cosmic objects which are clearly part and parcel of the same things.
Criticism of ARps work has been based on the fact that he relied upon his own "peculiar Galaxies" book that was based upon old telescopic tech and few observations. Today, hundreds of thousands of quasars and their redshifts have been observed and the galaxies that ARp clain=ms his "intrinsic redshift" upon have been shown by Hubble scope and other scopes of bigger mirrors and computer corrected visibility fields -to have been separate features not even associated with the galaxies as Arp stated. (He used some old equipment)
I also recall that the change in parsecs of a fewcloser -in galaxies could be seen. I went back to my notes from an astronomy course I audited years ago and got my parallax computer
(m-M)=5{ln D-1}. where D=1/p