Karma test: what do you do when you find a fat wallet?

Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2011 01:00 am
your blowing bullshit out of your ass is what wears thin.

someone convinced you long ago that arrogant ignorance was sexy, and it fucked you all up...

for a swinging revolutionary you spend a hell of a lot of time on your keyboard.

I'm done here.

you kids **** all over it by yourself...
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Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2011 01:03 am
Definitionally, it cannot be "ALL about me" if someone else is involved.
If the motivation for doing something is all about you enjoyment or satisfaction then it is all about you. Plenty of guys have fucked women without a thought of the woman who was there in the room, she being a masturbation tool so far as he is concerned. If you did give money only because you wanted to have fun then it would have been no less "all about you" than are the encounters fore-mentioned.
Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2011 01:10 am
Rockhead wrote:
so this thread is to be about rape and guns, too?
I contemplate no further discussion thereof.
U say "rape"; I don 't foresee that.

Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2011 01:22 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

Rockhead wrote:
so this thread is to be about rape and guns, too?
I contemplate no further discussion thereof.
U say "rape"; I don 't foresee that.


Right, but attempts at oppression must be challenged at every turn, we owe ourselves and our kids that much..... If Rocky needs to be in a snit about that then **** him, it just goes to show what a immoral cretin he is.
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Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2011 01:38 am
DAVID wrote:
Definitionally, it cannot be "ALL about me" if someone else is involved.
hawkeye10 wrote:
If the motivation for doing something is all about you enjoyment or satisfaction then it is all about you. Plenty of guys have fucked women without a thought of the woman who was there in the room, she being a masturbation tool so far as he is concerned. If you did give money only because you wanted to have fun then it would have been no less "all about you" than are the encounters fore-mentioned.
I understand your reasoning. I disagree with it.
I stand by what I 've already said.

I might add that it is my belief (from what others have told me of their experiences)
that after the death of the human body, your life energy experiences a review; your autobiografy,
wherein u feel the effects of your words n deeds upon others.

If that be so, I 'll empathetically enjoy the pleasure that I have inflicted upon others.

I think that using kids as targets is efficient
in that thay r less emotionally jaded by possession of cash.
For instance, a lady I met introduced me to her son,
telling me that it was his 13th birthday. I had a $2O bill
and a $1O bill immediately at hand, and I begifted him with them.

A few weeks later, we were sitting, chatting, n he said:
" U know, David, when u put that money in my hand,
that was the most money I ever held in my life" i.e., I succeeded
in making a good, hedonic impression on him.
( It does not always work.)

Another idiosyncratic practice of mine, is that in hotels
wherein I stay during conventions of groups to which I belong,
when I am alone in common rooms (e.g., ballrooms, or corridors)
sometimes I abandon $2O bills here n there on top of the hotel furniture
for whoever finds it first. The world is a carousel of fun.

Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2011 05:19 am
I've found wallets twice, while walking/running. In both cases, looked inside for an address and both times they were within walking distance,so returned to owners. Sorted.
Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2011 07:37 am
For instance, 1ce as I was walking in Midtown Manhattan,
I was approached by a black bum in the street
who requested $7, informing me that he 'd use it to buy gin.
I was in the mood to acquiesce, so I did. I don 't deem that charity.

That's very honest Dave. Laurence Sterne shows the same honesty in Tristram Shandy when he gives a cruelly treated donkey a macaroon in the street. An "eleemosynary donkey" Mr Sterne called it and from his decription of it it truly was so.

And the way you expressed it superbly conveys the authenticity. Or at least it does to me. The native cunning allied with a determination not to work and a desire for gin had, with much experience, led the eleemosynary black bum to be skilled at choosing people to approach who were "in the mood to akwiess (that's shorter than 'acquiesce', and easier to spell) and as such a demeanour is considered admirable you were rewarding him for his having chosen to approach you what with him being an expert in such refined physiognomic psychoanalysis.

Rider Haggard does it in King Solomon's Mines when he hints that the tragic and beautiful Foulata's care and compassion in nursing Captain Good back to health might be in the way of working her ticket to where the Men from the Stars come from in the event that they live to tell the tale despite how unlikely them doing so actually is. She had had to be carried out swooning set-fast in a sitting position because she had held the Captain's hand for three days during the fever not daring to move in case she disturbed the natural process of recovery. Florence Nightingale has nothing of that. In fact it has been said that Florence's charitable virtues were simply a way she had found of making a nuisance of herself which, on that theory, she must have enjoyed. But she did start the proper training of nurses for which we have much to be thankful for. Possibly only a little earlier than someone else would have done.
Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2011 08:03 am
Plenty of guys have fucked women without a thought of the woman who was there in the room, she being a masturbation tool so far as he is concerned.

If you know any such men hawk you should warn them of the dangers they are running. I have met a few who have been like that and I've warned them all. The results of them not heeding my warnings are too sad to relate and well outside the scope of an A2K post.

But I must admit that heeding my warnings has other dangers--but hey--who said women are not dangerous?

I tell them that wanking themselves is much quicker and cheaper and leaves the rest of the day to themselves and saves them from having a racket like a chainsaw going off in their ear all the time.

Some ladies are smart enough to recognise the situation you depict and if the bloke has been marked out will set about becoming the woman who is there in the room. Such things are a joy.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2011 08:37 am
Eorl wrote:

I've found wallets twice, while walking/running. In both cases, looked inside for an address and both times they were within walking distance,so returned to owners. Sorted.
I always prefer to skim off about half the money and mail the rest to the owner... Virtue must have its rewards, which are usually about half what vice pays... There used to be a saying like: Virtue is praised and starved... Never let virtue starve if it is your power to buy it lunch...
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Green Witch
Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2011 08:42 am
If I find cash on the ground I keep it. Cash with ID gets returned intact.
Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2011 08:54 am
spendius wrote:

For instance, 1ce as I was walking in Midtown Manhattan,
I was approached by a black bum in the street
who requested $7, informing me that he 'd use it to buy gin.
I was in the mood to acquiesce, so I did. I don 't deem that charity.

That's very honest Dave. Laurence Sterne shows the same honesty in Tristram Shandy when he gives a cruelly treated donkey a macaroon in the street. An "eleemosynary donkey" Mr Sterne called it and from his decription of it it truly was so.

And the way you expressed it superbly conveys the authenticity. Or at least it does to me. The native cunning allied with a determination not to work and a desire for gin had, with much experience, led the eleemosynary black bum to be skilled at choosing people to approach who were "in the mood to akwiess (that's shorter than 'acquiesce', and easier to spell) and as such a demeanour is considered admirable you were rewarding him for his having chosen to approach you what with him being an expert in such refined physiognomic psychoanalysis.

Rider Haggard does it in King Solomon's Mines when he hints that the tragic and beautiful Foulata's care and compassion in nursing Captain Good back to health might be in the way of working her ticket to where the Men from the Stars come from in the event that they live to tell the tale despite how unlikely them doing so actually is. She had had to be carried out swooning set-fast in a sitting position because she had held the Captain's hand for three days during the fever not daring to move in case she disturbed the natural process of recovery. Florence Nightingale has nothing of that. In fact it has been said that Florence's charitable virtues were simply a way she had found of making a nuisance of herself which, on that theory, she must have enjoyed. But she did start the proper training of nurses for which we have much to be thankful for. Possibly only a little earlier than someone else would have done.
If only she had started fonetic spelling . . .
Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2011 10:01 am
@Green Witch,
Green Witch wrote:

If I find cash on the ground I keep it. Cash with ID gets returned intact.
I pity you... I hope pity is enough reward to suit you...
Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2011 10:09 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

spendius wrote:

For instance, 1ce as I was walking in Midtown Manhattan,
I was approached by a black bum in the street
who requested $7, informing me that he 'd use it to buy gin.
I was in the mood to acquiesce, so I did. I don 't deem that charity.

That's very honest Dave. Laurence Sterne shows the same honesty in Tristram Shandy when he gives a cruelly treated donkey a macaroon in the street. An "eleemosynary donkey" Mr Sterne called it and from his decription of it it truly was so.

And the way you expressed it superbly conveys the authenticity. Or at least it does to me. The native cunning allied with a determination not to work and a desire for gin had, with much experience, led the eleemosynary black bum to be skilled at choosing people to approach who were "in the mood to akwiess (that's shorter than 'acquiesce', and easier to spell) and as such a demeanour is considered admirable you were rewarding him for his having chosen to approach you what with him being an expert in such refined physiognomic psychoanalysis.

Rider Haggard does it in King Solomon's Mines when he hints that the tragic and beautiful Foulata's care and compassion in nursing Captain Good back to health might be in the way of working her ticket to where the Men from the Stars come from in the event that they live to tell the tale despite how unlikely them doing so actually is. She had had to be carried out swooning set-fast in a sitting position because she had held the Captain's hand for three days during the fever not daring to move in case she disturbed the natural process of recovery. Florence Nightingale has nothing of that. In fact it has been said that Florence's charitable virtues were simply a way she had found of making a nuisance of herself which, on that theory, she must have enjoyed. But she did start the proper training of nurses for which we have much to be thankful for. Possibly only a little earlier than someone else would have done.
If only she had started fonetic spelling . . .
I once drove into NYC to meet a friend, and no sooner got out of my car than I was glad handed by a big old black man... As I reached out to shake the hand he offered, I thought, how nice to be welcomed here by a complete stranger... But; he said: I am not a bum... I told him: I wish I could say that!!! He needed subway fare to go see his mother, who I presume was older yet than he, and unable to visit him... He got his money, and I got my laugh, sort of bought with my own money, and at my own expense...
Green Witch
Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2011 10:14 am
Money is not very important to me, but I'll remember that if I ever find any that belongs to you.
Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2011 10:19 am
@Green Witch,
I can understand keeping the money if you find it on the ground - with no apparent owner. I think the difference in my case - it was found at work so it belonged most likely by some co-worker. Now granted there was probably a large number of people this could belong to - but I figured the rightful owner may go to security to claim it.

If you find money on the street, there is unlikely any way to find a rightful owner. Makes sense in that case to keep it. When I see (usually change - sometimes a dollar bill) on the street or parking lot - I point it out to one of my kids for them to pocket - I do explain that since there is no way to find the rightful owner, they can keep it in that case. Whereas if a wallet or other means of identifying could be found, they should turn it in where ever appropriate.
Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2011 10:33 am
I see nothing wrong with taking pleasure in the pleasure of others, if I understand you correctly.
It seems rather honest and straight forward to me. We all, to be honest, act on our own behalf in the end. Taking the reward, in pleasure, up front with no expectation, seems as good as any method.
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Green Witch
Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2011 11:00 am
Linkat, Fido must really pity you for giving all that money away. I think in your situation I might have put up a sign saying I found something of value and if the person who feels they lost it can tell me what it is they can have it. If someone said they lost a wad of bills I would probably be fine giving it to them.
Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2011 12:47 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

spendius wrote:

For instance, 1ce as I was walking in Midtown Manhattan,
I was approached by a black bum in the street
who requested $7, informing me that he 'd use it to buy gin.
I was in the mood to acquiesce, so I did. I don 't deem that charity.

That's very honest Dave. Laurence Sterne shows the same honesty in Tristram Shandy when he gives a cruelly treated donkey a macaroon in the street. An "eleemosynary donkey" Mr Sterne called it and from his decription of it it truly was so.

And the way you expressed it superbly conveys the authenticity. Or at least it does to me. The native cunning allied with a determination not to work and a desire for gin had, with much experience, led the eleemosynary black bum to be skilled at choosing people to approach who were "in the mood to akwiess (that's shorter than 'acquiesce', and easier to spell) and as such a demeanour is considered admirable you were rewarding him for his having chosen to approach you what with him being an expert in such refined physiognomic psychoanalysis.

Rider Haggard does it in King Solomon's Mines when he hints that the tragic and beautiful Foulata's care and compassion in nursing Captain Good back to health might be in the way of working her ticket to where the Men from the Stars come from in the event that they live to tell the tale despite how unlikely them doing so actually is. She had had to be carried out swooning set-fast in a sitting position because she had held the Captain's hand for three days during the fever not daring to move in case she disturbed the natural process of recovery. Florence Nightingale has nothing of that. In fact it has been said that Florence's charitable virtues were simply a way she had found of making a nuisance of herself which, on that theory, she must have enjoyed. But she did start the proper training of nurses for which we have much to be thankful for. Possibly only a little earlier than someone else would have done.
If only she had started fonetic spelling . . .
Fido wrote:
I once drove into NYC to meet a friend, and no sooner got out of my car than I was glad handed by a big old black man... As I reached out to shake the hand he offered, I thought, how nice to be welcomed here by a complete stranger... But; he said: I am not a bum... I told him: I wish I could say that!!! He needed subway fare to go see his mother, who I presume was older yet than he, and unable to visit him... He got his money, and I got my laugh, sort of bought with my own money, and at my own expense...
It must have been in 2000. The GOP sent me,
for some reason, up into Harlem. I went. I was approached by
a teenaged black girl, who begged, pleaded n most plaintively
entreated me to contribute a few coins toward a subway fare,
as she desperately needed to get downtown. When I gave her
a subway token, she was shocked, expecting less.
I 'm not sure what thay go for now or then; maybe c.$2, give or take.

When I was younger, I routinely (or almost routinely) brushed off beggars.
Sometimes, I still do. I have not been accosted by many of them recently.

Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2011 04:01 pm
Both times I seriously considered putting more money in the wallets, because... how cool would that be? but since i was without wallet (my own) at the time, I felt the swift return and reduced anxiety outweighed my need to buy karma, and also concerned it would be perceived as a bit creepy.
Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2011 06:48 pm
Eorl wrote:
Both times I seriously considered putting more money in the wallets, because... how cool would that be?
Yes! I agree.
That 's where the HEDONISM comes in. Its FUN!

Eorl wrote:
but since i was without wallet (my own) at the time,
I felt the swift return and reduced anxiety outweighed my need
to buy karma, and also concerned it would be perceived as a bit creepy.
Yeah; that issue has been raised. I dunno how to address that. Several of my friends
(in whose presence I have thrown dimes, quarters n half dollars to kids past whom we were walking)
have mentioned that. Thay don t like it. Thay have raised the creepyness issue.

As I see it: if the donee-beneficiary chooses to ignore it,
he or she is free to do it. In an airport, a few years ago,
I saw several children (maybe between 8 to 12 years old) sitting together.
As I walked past them, I threw a handful of coins (no nickels nor pennies)
on the floor in front of them. Most of them lunged for the coins.
1 or 2 of them did not. That is good; more for those who wanted them.
I think its an interesting way to break the monotony; fight boredom.
Give them a nice surprize to discuss with friends n family.

There is also another way to handle the issue:
at a gunnery range, a few years ago, while I was working out
with a few revolvers and a 9mm German Luger P-'08,
I was joined by some Boyscouts with their Scoutmaster
(probably one of their fathers). I gave the Scoutmaster $3OO
for ice cream and ammunition. He requested my card.
In a few weeks, I received a huge card of thanx in the mail signed by many of them.

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