Thu 17 Nov, 2011 11:08 pm
Just got done reading this book. Very thought provoking. It opened my eyes to the idea of paper money and the value of it.
So what i got from it was. If you have 1000 gold pieces on the earth then they hold alot of "value" to us because it is rare or excotic.
If you have 1000 one dollar bills on the earth, they too would be worth alot of money due to the rareity, However, we have infinite amounts of them and the more infinite they become(u get it) the less valuable they are.
So Ron Paul suggests ending the fed reserve because they can at will print as much or as little of this more and more valueless paper and in turn is making the money you have less and less valuable.
He suggests this is equalevent to stealing
I agree
How much have you stolen so far?
Ron Paul hasn't had his 15 minutes yet...there's---still---time---for---him---to---SHINE !!! But only for 15 minutes...
There's nowhere near enough gold, silver, platinum, diamonds or anything else all put together to run a world economy as big as this one is.
Thats the same idea that got us into this mess to begin with. F it. We need to go back to bartering
jcboy wrote:Ron Paul hasn't had his 15 minutes yet...there's---still---time---for---him---to---SHINE !!! But only for 15 minutes...
I like Ron Paul, his love of
but his
pacifist extremism disqualifies him.
I wonder how his son, Senator Rand Paul feels about that???