djjd62 wrote:i love Coast to Coast AM, a radio show dedicated to the strange and mysterious,
Yeah my friend, Joan, has recommended it.
I used to listen to Long John Nebel, in the 1960s on WOR Radio.
His show was like that; it was fun.
djjd62 wrote:i subscribe to a podcast so i don't have to stay up all night and can listen to it any time i like,
the only shows i skip are NDE topics and spiritual healing stuff
i have no fear of death, in fact i rather fear some sort of everlasting life
I hope that u 'll excuse my pessimism,
but I think that u r stuck with everlasting intense joy n beauty,
maybe with occasional interruptions for humanity.
djjd62 wrote:as near as i can tell, i didn't exist before i was here,
I have a hunch that u existed for what 'd be deemed eons
in this dimension b4 now n b4 the first dinosaur hatched.
djjd62 wrote:i have no problem ceasing to exist when i'm gone
Good Luck!