Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2011 01:30 pm
I'll leave Kyrani and Fido to discuss the excellence of their understandings. They deserve one another.
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Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2011 09:16 pm
According to Webster's dictionary, capitalism is "an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market ."

Nothing about the recent economic crisis or the Occupy movement makes me want to abolish capitalism as Webster defines it. What I do want is a more progressive tax system, a more densely-woven social safety net, banking regulations that prevent excessive systemic risk, a monetary and fiscal policy to boost aggregate demand more than it currently does. But these are all technical reforms, some even temporal, that would stop far short of upsetting the capitalistic constitution of our economy.

Conservative propaganda is wrong to portray such reforms as fundamentally anti-capitalist. And I find it disturbing that this propaganda is so effective.
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2011 09:57 pm
I like your ideas, thomas.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 6 Nov, 2011 04:27 am
Nothing makes me want to abolish capitalism. Nor is there any reason to assume that i would. However, i agree that it is in the partisan, propagandistic interest of those who support capitalism to portray every criticism, ever assault on privilege as an attempt to abolish it. I find the complete absence of the conservative "usual suspects" from this thread to be telling.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 6 Nov, 2011 11:45 am
kYRANI wrote:

Certainly Greece, as with a lot of other European countries borrowed a lot of money, but it is not the Greek people's fault, who were not told what was owed and how much etc. It is not simple. You may have corrupt politicians on the one hand and corrupt financiers on the other pushing money their way. Then when the debt got large they decided to pushs the interest rates through the roof. I suspect there is more going on behind the scenes and it is hard for the ordinary person to understand or know. As for the Greeks not paying taxes, I don't think this is true any more for Greeks than for other countries. The wealthiest people in the wealthiest countries only pay pocket change in taxes. The Greeks were also depicted as lazy and that is also untrue. The problem in Greece and Europe is just the tip of the iceberg. All Western nations are in debt up to their eyeballs and things are only getting worse. Increasingly governments are held to ransom and Greece is just the most obvious one.
We have built up their military... They actually own a lot of high priced fighter jets... Do you think they bought them with ready cash... We have loaned many people money to buy our war material in the expectation that the money will be paid back by the people, and the military will make them pay with either dollars or blood, and both as necessary...
0 Replies
Reply Sun 6 Nov, 2011 12:02 pm
kYRANI wrote:

Think about what you have written! If hogs outnumber people in China 5:1, and I have heard of a similar figure from another source, AND if they have the viruses that affect humans don't you think there would have been a pandemic by now? The reality is we have immunity and that enables us to fight viruses as well as other microorganisms.
Let me bring to your attention the matter of South America and the conquistadors that supposedly brought new strains of bugs from Europe that the native were not immune to! It is hog wash. The Conquistadors were brutally cruel and all they wanted was the gold. The natives lived in fear of their lives on a daily basis. Under those conditions immunity is in decline, something that the doctors neglect to correct the historians about.. but why spoil a profitable story with the truth. It wasn't long before the population was wiped out. They saved their amo, yes a lot cheaper.
Let us look as a comparison to the Congo. There again brutally cruel colonizers had forced people to work to produce goods for export back to Europe such as rubber. They lost 20 million or so of the population nearly half the native inhabitants to diseases before they decided to let up on the public mutilations of anyone who wouldn't work for them and children were not exempt from this treatment. You see the difference here was the gold was made by selling the goods and they needed the natives as cheap -near no cost labour to produce the goods to sell to make the gold. Only after the brutality was seriously reduced did the diseases abate. Fear is a critical factor because in states of fear, where the danger is seen to be external, immunity is declined. It is how the body works. A panic about an epidemic in the middle of a serious economic crisis is, in my view opportunistic to say the least. I would go as far as saying it is criminal.
There have been pandemics, very often associated with war which stresses out whole populations while throwing great numbers together in miserable conditions of want... All the influenzas are pandemics, but because they are constant, and in some sense recurrent we can build up immunities... The spanish flu of the first world war killed mainly the young and otherwise healthy... Many of the old had some obvious immunity... The thing is, that as bad as the past was it is no predicter of the future... It is unlikely things will get better given the stressed out and cramped conditions of most of the world's population, but it is very likely it will get worse as a result of shattered governments and medical establishments... It is a myth that people can live side by side with filth and disease and not be overcome by them at some point... It is not just a health or cultural issue; but one of economics, where Capitalism has failed us simply because it is a false economy... A true economy would consider all costs... You would not count the price of a quart of oil without consideration of the cost of all the oil that is lost on our roads every day, equal to the amount spilled by the Exxon Valdese...sp. It is because so much of the cost is born by society or is otherwise outside of the transaction of purchase that the cost seems so low on commodities... If every employer had to pay for the educations required of his employees to labor for him, the cost of every commodity would be higher... Most of what is required of a laborer to be a laborer is unfunded and comes out of wages before food, shelter, or clothing can be considered... Every employee is expected to provide for their own transportation out of their own pocket, and then to pay taxes for the upkeep of roads in many instances destroyed by the weight of commercial vehicles... It is crazy, and unfair...
Reply Sun 6 Nov, 2011 12:07 pm
Thomas wrote:

According to Webster's dictionary, capitalism is "an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market ."

Nothing about the recent economic crisis or the Occupy movement makes me want to abolish capitalism as Webster defines it. What I do want is a more progressive tax system, a more densely-woven social safety net, banking regulations that prevent excessive systemic risk, a monetary and fiscal policy to boost aggregate demand more than it currently does. But these are all technical reforms, some even temporal, that would stop far short of upsetting the capitalistic constitution of our economy.

Conservative propaganda is wrong to portray such reforms as fundamentally anti-capitalist. And I find it disturbing that this propaganda is so effective.
Our problem results from government not representing the people against a destructive class of people eating up resources and shitting out people too broken to carry on... Capitalism has been on life supports big time for seventy years, and whether money is handed to the poor to make them be consumers, or given directly to the rich, it must still be collected from the commonwealth and all the people, so that the whole people is made poor to keep capitalism alive... If it works constantly at its own destruction it should be allowed to die, and only an ideological affection for it out of sinc with all reality is giving it political support... If the lines of influence could be made clear, and the chronic effect of the wealthy upon the course of government were revealed we would shoot them on sight, or string them up... They are human **** and they are wrecking this place...
Reply Mon 7 Nov, 2011 08:23 am
My point is that fear is a huge contributing factor to being overcome by viruses and other microorganisms and that is not spelt out by the medical establishment. To the contrary they are allowing the public to believe that fear is not something to be considered by not correcting the historical incidents and indeed adding to this picture themselves. People can live in filth and survive and be in better health than many people in their pristine environment. It is not simply a matter of what is in your physical environment. We have an immune system that protects us IF IT IS UP AND RUNNING! Fear that arises out of external conditions declines the immune system. And as you rightly pointed out there were problems in war time but they pale compared to the horrendous acts of cruelty that the Christian missionaries and colonizers did and that was why I raised the examples in Africa and Sth America. We don't need a great deal of time to develop immunity. It can happen almost over night but we need to be experiencing rest conditions and not fear conditions in the body.
As far as your arguments on costs and the capitalist system's failure I agree with you completely. People do not properly understand that there is no balance sheet. Companies have been allowed to pollute and otherwise exploit the environment and society without consideration at all. It can't go on like that and I think this is part of the global uprising. It is triggered by the debt problem because it touches people's lives in a very personal way but I think they will wake up to the big picture soon.
Reply Mon 7 Nov, 2011 08:38 am
I agree here with you criticisms of the people who are driven by pure greed and who are mindless of the damage that they do. Your definition (Webster's) has a couple of magic little words in it.. "free market". If you put in the regulations that you say then you no longer have a free market. What is a free market? It means different things to different people. The greedy see it as meaning do whatever you like, which for them means take all you can and not only give nothing back but **** on the environment and the people all you like. We don't need capitalism. Democracy includes the ability to invest and carry on private businesses etc., BUT democracy means that everyone and everything is properly considered, that what we do must take into account a balance sheet. If we take from the environment to profit then we must put something back and leave it in as close to a pristine condition as we found it in the first place. To have a symbiotic relationship between employee and employers and so on. For democracy to work it must be founded on ethics whereas capitalism knows no ethic. I was in a bank some years ago to get a loan and the bank officer struck up a conversation with me and somehow the question of ethics arose. He kind of looked at me as if I was a simpleton and said something that expressed the notion that business and ethics were not bed partners. I asked him "you want me to pay off the loan without you having to take me to court to get your money out of me". "You're going to pay off the loan aren't you?" he said nervously. So I said to him see you do expect me to behave ethically towards you so why can't you see that ethics and business are partners and only when they are no longer partners does the system fail! He had nothing to say. Capitalism wants a double standard and that can't last.
Reply Mon 7 Nov, 2011 08:49 am
kYRANI wrote:

My point is that fear is a huge contributing factor to being overcome by viruses and other microorganisms and that is not spelt out by the medical establishment. To the contrary they are allowing the public to believe that fear is not something to be considered by not correcting the historical incidents and indeed adding to this picture themselves. People can live in filth and survive and be in better health than many people in their pristine environment. It is not simply a matter of what is in your physical environment. We have an immune system that protects us IF IT IS UP AND RUNNING! Fear that arises out of external conditions declines the immune system. And as you rightly pointed out there were problems in war time but they pale compared to the horrendous acts of cruelty that the Christian missionaries and colonizers did and that was why I raised the examples in Africa and Sth America. We don't need a great deal of time to develop immunity. It can happen almost over night but we need to be experiencing rest conditions and not fear conditions in the body.
As far as your arguments on costs and the capitalist system's failure I agree with you completely. People do not properly understand that there is no balance sheet. Companies have been allowed to pollute and otherwise exploit the environment and society without consideration at all. It can't go on like that and I think this is part of the global uprising. It is triggered by the debt problem because it touches people's lives in a very personal way but I think they will wake up to the big picture soon.
I am not suggesting a pristine environment either, but if you have people raising hogs and chickens it is necessary for them to live with them, and their filth, the filth of hogs and chickens is hardly the problem... For one reason or another we share many diseases with Hogs, and they are very suseptible to avian flu and they provide a means for that flu to jump into our population... And, disease from infection is only a part of the problem, not to minimize the danger of sliving in filthy conditions malnourished and ill housed... The degradation of our environment is terrible... The great lakes which is a wonderful source of food and drinking water for millions is a dumping ground for human and industrial waste... The Mongols had sense to not crap in their drinking water but we cannot, primarily from the profit motive, understand what they knew...Money in out society is the key to all understanding, and so much of the cost of any commodity is hidden, that people have to look to see, and they only then see that which they are looking for, and not the whole picture which is a general waste of the environment, and cultures, and people for profit... So, where is the profit if we will be hundreds of years, and perhaps even thousands restoring the balance of nature if we begin today... Under capitalism the future is left to solve the problems of today, but all the best problem solvers are made to struggle for their existences just like everyone else...The children are denied education to feed profit, and in many respects they are denied even their parents to feed profit... Where is the profit of capitalism??? There is a price put on every living thing unless it is so abundant as to be without a price, and then it is trashed and turned into a sewer...The BP well blowout in the Gulf of Mexico was not a tragic accident, but a consequence of profit, and it was not a crime of negligence, but a war crime for which justice demands the hangman's noose... It is because the many killed by their actions, which may include you and me, will always die of something else, like cancer; and for that reason they will not be prosecuted and executed...
0 Replies
Reply Mon 7 Nov, 2011 09:07 am
kYRANI wrote:

I agree here with you criticisms of the people who are driven by pure greed and who are mindless of the damage that they do. Your definition (Webster's) has a couple of magic little words in it.. "free market". If you put in the regulations that you say then you no longer have a free market. What is a free market? It means different things to different people. The greedy see it as meaning do whatever you like, which for them means take all you can and not only give nothing back but **** on the environment and the people all you like. We don't need capitalism. Democracy includes the ability to invest and carry on private businesses etc., BUT democracy means that everyone and everything is properly considered, that what we do must take into account a balance sheet. If we take from the environment to profit then we must put something back and leave it in as close to a pristine condition as we found it in the first place. To have a symbiotic relationship between employee and employers and so on. For democracy to work it must be founded on ethics whereas capitalism knows no ethic. I was in a bank some years ago to get a loan and the bank officer struck up a conversation with me and somehow the question of ethics arose. He kind of looked at me as if I was a simpleton and said something that expressed the notion that business and ethics were not bed partners. I asked him "you want me to pay off the loan without you having to take me to court to get your money out of me". "You're going to pay off the loan aren't you?" he said nervously. So I said to him see you do expect me to behave ethically towards you so why can't you see that ethics and business are partners and only when they are no longer partners does the system fail! He had nothing to say. Capitalism wants a double standard and that can't last.
Free markets are a wonderful idea; but they can never be shown... The same people who were buying the cotton of the South were loaning the Souterners money for slaves, and they took all the profit out of it without ever having to crack a whip on anyone's back, or smell the sweat of any dirty negro...

The reason there are so few family farms is that there is no free market to sell into, and when bankers and middle men take all the profit out of it there is not much left to keep the farmer alive so that government can get its piece... The point is that the word economy means house management, and capitalism as a house has no management... Government should properly manage all that might manage the people without the actions of government... If we do not control events, then they will control us, and capitalism which is a kind word for anarchy rules us which means that in spite of our pretension to democracy, it is people with money sitting in board rooms who are allowed to control our destinies in the effort to control their own against others in other board rooms... We might rejoice at corporate farms because with the control of a corporation which one might have with a handful of guns, one has contol over the food supply, but until the people enter those rooms, and level those guns, the executives will have a strangle hold on our throats...

The fact has long been noted that people think first with their stomachs, and only later with their heads, and corporation own our stomachs, so again, where is the free market???... Industry has its hand in the pocket of government to be sure, but it should be the other way around... If business will be free, then the people will not be free... If Free Enterprise is Good, then that good should be clear to all, and it is not clear, or even possible to find... It is eating the good out of the whole society, destroying the ability of government to defend the people, educate the people, or ensure domestic tranquility... Where is the good in their freedom if it brings only slavery???
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