487597 Hours
At my age food is bettter than sex ... that's why I hung a mirror over the table ...
????????? they got something new ??????????
Welcome to a2k Gelisgesti!
Gel, WELCOME to A2K. At what age does food become better than sex?

C.I. === that's a hard one to answer, and probably needs a soft approach.
an exchange i clearly remember from a rest stop bathroom in northern california (of the family variety; not the kind we get in city park restrooms in seattle).
old man #1: "this is the high point of my day."
old man #2: "i'm at the point where taking a leak is better than having sex."
I took a photo once of a door to a reststop bathroom somewhere between Los Angeles and Las Vegas... The door sign said: WOMEN and under that, NO DOGS.
Thanks ....
Depends on your expectations ...... and of course the cook
Gosh darn it! Can't find that mirror..... c.i.
20/female/somewhere over the rainbow
13, manually, shower
ba dum pum!
(ok, 36, male, boston)
Dear Strike,
You need help. (Observe the absence of a question mark.)
Hey, I forgot all about this thread ... glad to see it come back to like. For all the folks who don't know, I'll just repeat my original response from way back when:
A- Clinging tenaciously to my Fifties. My hair gave up a while ago.
S- Not as good as I once was, but as good once as I ever was
L- Comfortably close to a crackling fire ... a spot from which I will endeavor not to stray far or frequently throughout the upcoming North Western Wisconsin Winter.
And for those who did know, here's an update:
It is still winter. I've so far managed to avoid being far from the fire for very long. Things are moving right along.
Congratulations Timber......sounds great to me.
Age: Almost 68
Celebrated our older brother's birthday last Sunday in Sacramento at our quarterly sibling get-together.
Sex: Once in awhile
Location: Will be in London on March 18 for the London Gathering of A2K
A: A little more every day
S: Yes, please, with chocolate
L: Truly, here and there