Tue 18 Oct, 2011 01:42 pm
Hello respected members of the Forum
Of the amazing things that we portrayed the book of God Almighty the fall of the stars, where people think that under the fixed stars so scientists proved that all the stars in the universe and the evolution of her life and the constant motion ....
What is the most ayatollahs in Rehab of the universe at large, it is the fact that a great tell us about God the Almighty said: ((57) The creation of the heavens and earth is greater than the creation of mankind, but most of the people do not know) [Forgiver : 57]. The verse verses dazzling cosmic great I swear by God and God divided what he wants of his creatures, namely the collapse of stars or exploding stars.
Allah says: (and the star when it goes down) [Star: 1], with me hoping the word (Hui), which accurately reflect the reality of the end of the stars. Valndjem when they grow old and grow explodes and generates enormous energy and disintegrate its parts, and crashing into each other to shrink again the problem of black hole or neutron star, or other types of stars that does not know what they are but God Almighty, these processes scholars called the death of stars, but the fact that the star does not die because the "Death" means the stop-motion.
These processes occur constantly in the vast universe around us scarcely feel it, and that of the mercy of God with us. As we can see Valndjem does not die but is shifting from one type to another, and falling and falling apart on the article itself toward the center of the star.
Which occurs in the star is the explosion and the fall and the erosion of a great and a huge movement, and this suits him to tell the truth the Almighty: (Hui), a word that expresses what is really happening, while the term "death star" is not scientifically accurate Think about the greatness of the Quran!
So scientists call this the end, the death of stars, and this label is scientifically wrong, as we said, because the word (death) means the end of life and movement. While these stars on the contrary, when they die, they explode and which generated a great movement, and the best word expresses the fact that the end is (Hui): Any fell very quickly and scattered its parts!
So we find the new research about the end of the stars use the word Fall, which means fallen or hue, because scientists are watching today, the fall of the material the star about his position at amazing speeds, and the question now is: who knows the time of revelation of the Qur'an that the stars and the birth and life and then come down to die?
I have been taking a picture of the explosion of modern star by satellite, and we see in this picture looks like a wonderful sight fatty red rose! The irony is that the very scientists when they saw this picture released by a new name: the "red rose Mayorna."
But God Almighty described to us the colors and tell us about the events of Day of Judgement will occur when inhaling the sky, colors seem like Rose decorative colors, this scene with our eyes that we see today is a microcosm of the scene is the greatest day of Resurrection!!
The irony is that this label was launched by scientists, the Book of Allah fourteen centuries! Says says of the: ((37) And when the heaven is split open and becomes rose-colored like oil
(38) So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny?) [Rahman: 37-38]. The Glory of God-Knowing! Who told Muhammad peace be upon him for the scientific term is not launched until the end of the twentieth century?
God Almighty used scientific miracles as a means of proof on the Day of Resurrection. When we see a picture and star exploding like red rose, which is the end of this star. When it comes to the Quran is like the end of the world rose in this lean, it must be aware that the Day of Judgement will come. And that the sky will be the end of this as the end of the star.
It should be noted that this image and other images do not reflect the cosmic truth about the Day of Resurrection, but rather a thumbnail to imagine the grandeur and gravity of that day. God Almighty put us in this world-fire, a fire miniature fire afterlife, and so show us God's small incidents in the world to imagine the suffering that awaits skeptics in the day no doubt, Allah says: ((16) They will have canopies of fire above them and below them, canopies. By that Allah threatens His servants. O My servants, then fear Me) [Cliques: 16].
This scientific accuracy superior to witness the sincerity of this Quran, and that book, which he says that show everything: ((89) And [mention] the Day when We will resurrect among every nation a witness over them from themselves. And We will bring you, [ O Muhammad], as a witness over your nation. And We have sent down to you the Book as clarification for all things and as guidance and mercy and good tidings for the Muslims) [Nahl: 89]. For the rest of the interview