how to loose weight :(

Tue 4 Mar, 2014 12:36 am
The healthy and proper approach to weight loss is simple:
• Whole food approach
• Fitness made simple
• Stress management techniques
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Romeo Fabulini
Tue 4 Mar, 2014 01:01 am
I was once laid up with a terrible throat infection for 10 days and couldn't swallow anything solid, I could hardly even swallow liquids and soup and my weight plummeted. I wasn't fat to begin with and i ended up thin as a rake.
The moral is that if anybody wants to lose weight, STOP EATING, or to be more accurate, CUT DOWN, no need to starve yourself..Smile
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Fri 9 May, 2014 12:01 am
Hi jaida!
Try to wake-up as early as possible and do some excersice, have little hot water with honney and lime
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Wed 14 May, 2014 07:33 am

i think you will use loo calories food and use green vegetable in your food exercise is the best way to lose weight quickly and paleo diet food is best for lose weight and also good for health ..
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Tue 20 May, 2014 11:53 pm
You may be used to fried foods but there are other, sometimes healthier, ways to cook including: roasting, steaming, poaching, baking, braising and broiling.
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Fri 27 Jun, 2014 04:32 am
The best way is physical workout and dieting; it is general opinion. I say that dieting must be made interesting not boring. Limit your eating habits for six days not for seven days. Limit eating habits but don't keep yourself completely away from likely food stuffs.
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Tue 1 Jul, 2014 07:27 am
Your situation is same as mine. Whenever I find myself alone, I used to eat for my time pass. But I really hate this habit. So I decided to stop it and for this, I have chosen another alternative for my time pass like listening songs, watching TV, dancing or study. If I felt hungry,I took juice or soup. I have got some difficulties at beginning, but after some days I have got habitual of it.
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Tue 30 Sep, 2014 06:12 am
I think being fit and healthy is in your hands. You should have to make a proper plan for diet as well as also start a good workout program. Fat takes more time if you want to reduce it. Avoid sugar, fatty things, junk food etc..
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Fri 3 Oct, 2014 12:07 pm
First of all what you need to do is eat less and burn more calories. To burn calories you need to wrokout daily. You need to exercises for certain time period at home or even you can join gym if you have time. You can also do simple exercise like walking, High Intensity Interval training exercise to loose your weight fast. If you burn 500 more calories than you eat a day or week,it simply means you are loosing 2 pounds approx.
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Mon 13 Oct, 2014 05:25 am
To get rid of overweight you need to workout regularly and also need to eat healthy food with low carbs.
One you can hellp yourself to lose weight.
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Mon 13 Oct, 2014 05:28 am
Weight loss is not impossible if you really want to lose weight than you need to workout regularly and also need to eat healthy food.
Only you can help yourself losing weight.
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Mon 13 Oct, 2014 05:35 am
Yes, and when examine after due to loose weight then less flab will be submitting to the pinch!

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Thu 20 Aug, 2015 08:27 am
Eat less and exercise. Isn't some big secret - no fat people in the concentration camps. Hate using that but it's true.

Usually, obesity comes from drinking sodas and juices that are more sugar than fruit. Even if it says "fat free" if it's got sugar, once in the body sugar becomes fat. High fructose corn syrup too. Fast food. And foods which are "too convenient." If you only have to rip open a bag or box to eat, you're gonna eat that before something that requires you to spend time cooking and preparing it. Food has become overly convenient in modern society and the result's easy to predict.

If we still had to cook in order to eat, I seriously doubt obesity would be the problem it is. Now we microwave and eat things ready-to-eat with no preparation at all.

Not helped is how food and eating it has become a recreational activity unto itself. And instead of physically active recreation, we're spending most of our free time lounging around like some Roman on a couch with servants doing all the work for us.

And most recently our misguided attempt at being nice through PC is eliminating the social ostracization of fat people. It's not "okay" to be so fat you're risking health problems because of it. And yes Virginia it's your fault. But so is the remedy. Quit eating processed crap masquerading as food. And things loaded down with sugar. In the body, sugar and sweetners become fat.
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Sat 26 Dec, 2015 11:58 am
It is REALLY easy to lose weight.
Simply just;
Eat well.........Move MORE..........Live longer !!!!
I will break it down.
Eat well - that does NOT mean following any faddy diet, just common sense.
Everybody knows that LOTS of cake is BAD - so simply eat well
Include LOTS of fruit & veg.
It is simple really, fruit is HIGH in sugar-well glucose- a natural sugar that provides the energy boost you require.
Move more - get off UR bus a stop early and WALK the extra distance. The more U move - the MORE calories U burn.
U WILL lose weight & live LONGER !!!
It`s NOT difficult - just follow the 3 rules and it WILL ALL work out;
Eat well.........Move MORE..........Live longer !!!!
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Mon 28 Dec, 2015 11:41 am
Hi Julia,

Losing weight is VERY EASY.
Just follow this RULE.
Eat well, move MORE, live LONGER

It is simple to do. I`ll just break it down more.
Eat well - this does NOT involve any FAD diet - low carbs, Ducan diet ...
U KNOW that eating cake and biscuits is NOT good for you.
Have an apple, snack on grapes ... That type of thing.

Move MORE - Alight the bus a stop earlier and WALK the extra distance - U WILL B burning calories !!!!

If you follow ^^^^^ 1 & 2 - U WILL automatically lose weight and lie LONGER !!!
Mon 28 Dec, 2015 11:43 am


If you follow ^^^^^ 1 & 2 - U WILL automatically lose weight and LIVE LONGER !!!
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Mon 28 Dec, 2015 03:19 pm
hi jaidaa,
How are you, Jaidaa you have to do exercise in the morning just like running jumping and other
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Sun 17 Jan, 2016 06:09 pm
To lose weight
you need to eat healthy food
drink two liters of water each day
cicerone imposter
Sun 17 Jan, 2016 06:16 pm
Don't go on a diet. Eat small amounts throughout the day.
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