How do you feel about little kids being on able2know?

Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2011 01:58 pm
djjd62 wrote:

chai2 wrote:

KaySpence wrote:

That's just my opinion.

Well, you know what they say about opinions.

in a year and a half i turn fifty, my doctor says i'll have to have my opinion examined Wink

Don't worry, they knock you out for that.

Then, when you wake up, you're really hungry because you haven't eaten for like 2 days.
Then you go home and have the best nap ever.
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Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2011 02:02 pm
I thought everyone knew that, too.

So much for "common knowledge". We are in danger of losing our culture.
Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2011 02:02 pm
Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2011 02:07 pm
roger wrote:

I thought everyone knew that, too.

So much for "common knowledge". We are in danger of losing our culture.

I felt that way when g-girl didn't know who Zsa Zsa was.

Just remembered something funny.

A guy I know was telling a story, and someone called him an asshole.
Without blinking an eye he responded "You're very astute"

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Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2011 02:11 pm
How, exactly, am I out of line? I'm just saying what I think. I'm not trying to offend anyone or hurt any feelings. I'm just sharing thoughts.

Oh, and guys? The petty insults are unnecessary. Are you all 13 as well? Maybe that's why you 'adults' love to chat with the little kiddies. You share the same IQ level. Ha! Who am I kidding? Little Gracie has probaly surpassed you all mentally. I feel like I'm talking to a bunch of 5 year olds. I just wanted to share thoughts and see who felt the same. I didn't expect the disrespect.
Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2011 02:16 pm
KaySpence wrote:

Little Gracie has probaly surpassed you all mentally. I feel like I'm talking to a bunch of 5 year olds. I just wanted to share thoughts and see who felt the same. I didn't expect the disrespect.

I'm a pretty mature guy, and I agree with you. They're a bunch of ploppy poo bums with wee wee on it.
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Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2011 02:17 pm
I agree too. I've been trying to put into words what I want to say, but JPB just put it out there, basically saving me the trouble.

This site was started by a very young person at that time, who cares for the welfare of children. It is generally well run, while open to people from around the world 13 or over, including one of whom I saw post recently who I think is over 85. We largely self monitor, with an excellent moderation staff of volunteers. At the same time, the site was started as a source of knowledge, and before it became a2k, it was about language information. The primary goal is as a knowledge source. Despite our raucous behavior, many of us of all ages have learned, in the positive sense, from our time at a2k.

I was raised the way you are hoping this site you just started posting on runs, as a tremendously protected early teen. I knew nothing about the world when I then stepped out into it and got a job after school and weekends the day I turned sixteen. That was no favor from my parents or my teachers.

Not only do I not think that cosseting was any favor - I think it was destructive to me in many ways, ways that I paid for with some very odd, long, and difficult learning curves.

Be careful what you want to organize, if not order, everyone else to do.

At the same time I say this, I am sorry about your own traumas, and don't really mean to yell at you. I just want to make you think about what you are rather insistent about.

edit to add: I wish I had some responsible sane people to talk with me online in my teen years.
Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2011 02:20 pm
KaySpence wrote:

What do you think? Feel free to bite my head off if you think I'm wrong.

So much for truth and honesty in opening posts.

13 year olds are little kids. They are children, and I feel as though they should not be allowed on a site where sex, relationships, politics, marriage or anything else of that nature is disscussed because those topics are for adults only and children are not mature enough to understand it or read it.

I doubt that GracieGirl is anything but a 13 year old or younger. Take a look at the childish and nonsensical questions and answers that she posts daily.

No.... that couldn't possibly hurt anyone's feelings.

I know that GracieGirl is not doing anything wrong. I find some of her post annoying, but that is not the issue. Like I said before, she seems like a nice girl and she is very polite and respectful when speaking to adults. She is not the problem. The problem is her age. I used her name as an example. There are many kids her age here who post tons of spam and childish nonsense. I am also aware that many adults do this as well but we can't do anything about them accept hope they go away soon. What we can do is raise the age from 13 to maybe 16 or 17. I think that would help the quality of the site and stop children from seeing things they shouldn't.

If I had a 13 year old girl searching the internet for social connections I would rather she find A2K than any other site I know of.

I honestly don't care enough to report it to administration. I just wanted to voice my opinion and see what others think.

Apparently not.
Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2011 02:26 pm
You are right. Thank you. I come off as harsh and I really don't mean to. I was just trying to voice my concerns and I went overboard. For that I'm sorry but I still don't think I'm wrong. You are right though. I should stop forcing my opinion on other people. Again, I'm sorry
Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2011 02:28 pm
I think your ok - nothing wrong with being concerned about the little ones.

Maybe why I like to answer their posts - I love the little ones.
Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2011 02:37 pm
Whatever. After retracing my post, I'll admit I was a little hard on her but she is not the problem and she is doing nothing wrong. So, I'm sorry for being rude. She is not breaking any rules and I font mean to bully her. She is the youngest user I've seen here so far and that is the only reason that I included her name specifically. I don't feel anything toward her other than slight annoyance and I'm not trying to hurt her feelings. Hell, I don't even know the kid. I just think she and all other 13 year olds are too young to be here but as long as she stays away from adult topics, I guess she's fine.
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Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2011 02:38 pm
Thank you!
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Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2011 02:40 pm
Well, no need to be sorry for having your opinion. I can understand how you have it. It was the insistence for the site to change itself that was the gum up - not that I remember your exact words, but that was what I took from them.

Meantime, welcome to a2k. We have another one of us arguers.
Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2011 02:47 pm
Haha! Thank you very much ossobuco!
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Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2011 02:50 pm
KaySpence wrote:

How, exactly, am I out of line?

I'm just saying what I think. I'm not trying to offend anyone or hurt any feelings. I'm just sharing thoughts.

Oh, and guys?

The petty insults are unnecessary

Are you all 13 as well?

Maybe that's why you 'adults' love to chat with the little kiddies.

You share the same IQ level.

Ha! Who am I kidding?

Little Gracie has probaly surpassed you all mentally.

I feel like I'm talking to a bunch of 5 year olds.

I just wanted to share thoughts and see who felt the same.

I didn't expect the disrespect.

KaySpence wrote:

How, exactly, am I out of line?

Actually, when I was growing up, I was taught that respect was earned Wink

There are lot of people who frequent A2K and many of us who know one another personally here!

I have a 14 year old son. I know for sure if he wishes to find anything "not approved by me" on the internet - the whole caboodle - sex, drugs and rock and roll, he would find a way, as would most children with access to a computer, rightly or wrongly.

However, I would hope that if he feels the need to seek help from people, that finding a site such as A2K, where we do largely self regulate and look out for other people, that would be a good thing. He would be safer here, in my opinion, than any other site I have seen.

As you say, you experienced some terrible things in your childhood - we have children appearing on this site for all number of reasons - there are a lot of people willing to listen to offer advice. When children have things go wrong in their life - sometimes having a lifeline of the internet can be a good thing- often these problems are the same as "adult" problems and deal with "adult issues" - being able to talk to someone can be enormously helpful . Of course, it can also be quite precarious too but as I say, on A2K there are a lot of "regulars" here, and we keep as close an eye as is possible on anyone who says they are a younger member.

Shouting at the general community when they have offered there opinion to you re your thread title is really a pointless exercise.

Please do have a look around the site and see what people have to say.

Really, not everyone on the internet is "bad" and if a child starts "talking" - it's certainly better that someone listens to them, than not listening.

When the young lady that you have spoken of started posting here, she was immediately advised by members not to use her real name etc and to contact the mods to delete certain information. The owner of this site is still a "young pup" (compared to us old folk Wink ) and he has done and continues to do a great deal for 'young' people - he and the community have made this a site a place where anybody and everybody is welcome. Folk here care - please take the time to find out.

Welcome to A2K! Very Happy
Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2011 02:58 pm
I missed that. Urrrrrgh.

Well, anyway, Iz, concur with your summary.
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Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2011 04:34 pm
KaySpence wrote:
Well since 13 year olds are having sex already do you think it's okay for them to watch porn? How about reading dirty novels and fanfiction full of smut. 13 year olds are children! Just because some of them like to pretend to be adults and have sex like grown ups doesn't mean that the adults get to treat them as if they really were. I'm sorry, but I think that some of the content here just isn't suitable for 13 year old CHILDREN.

well, speaking for my self only, i wasn't having sex at 13 (not sure if anyone i knew was in 1975), but i'd certainly seen porn, and i read Everything You Wanted To Know About Sex (But Were Afraid To Ask), partly for information, partly for the thrill

i can also remember scanning novels for sex scenes (The Godfather was a popular one for me)

i realize that you've had difficulties in your life, but projecting that on everyone is not fair

rather than ban kids from the web, how about parents try to get a handle on what the kids are up to
Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2011 05:14 pm
I concur.

Thinking back, really thinking back to when I was 13, I didn't consider myself a child.
A young person certainly, but not a child.

I was nowhere near having sex, or even being kissed, but I'd scene porn too, and read racy novels.

I had an older sister who would read things like "The Love Machine", "The Senuous Woman", etc. Actually, I'm glad I snuck the Senuous Woman and read it. I didn't understand a lot of it, little of it sounded appealing, but looking back it gave me some sort of understanding of the mechanics of sex beyond the old in and out.
There's nothing wrong with being confused by some of it, at least when I came across these things later I wasn't totally unaware that these things go on, and not just between mommy and daddy.

Some people are just so/too serious.

There's the immaturity of someone who's young, who really is immature, then there's someone acting immature because they've been duped into acting like "a serious adult" for so long, and finally realize it doesn't mean **** all.

I've paid my dues. If I want to act immature and cut up, I'll do it, with no hard feelings to someone who doesn't like it. What's the alternative? To act like the other person?

Me? I don't worry one whit about what a 13 year old sees or reads here.
Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2011 07:28 pm
Alright, fine. I really do not want to go back and forth anymore. I have to know though, would you let your 13 year old read some of the things that are said here?
Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2011 07:31 pm
I agree with you to a certain extent. I need to back off sometimes, I admit that but just because you were a horny little thing when you were 13 and you watch porn, does that make it okay? I think not. Either way, I dont care. I am going to mind my own business. When it comes to things like this from now on.
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