Tue 13 Jan, 2004 10:59 am
I will be subscribing to a cable connection. I have two options - Comcast or my local electric company which both provide digital cable and internet. I've never used this service before and would like advice on the following:
Is it better to buy my own modem or rent one for additional cost from my provider? Pros and cons of both? They mention that if I rent, they provide free upgrades and take care of any hardware issues, but I'm wondering if I'd spend less money just occasionally upgrading myself. The 'rental fee' is an extra $10 a month.
If I buy, internal or external?
Any recommendations on manufacturers?
Does anyone have any yeahs or nays about Comcast?
Anything else I should consider?
Thanks all!
I have comcast and the deal when i got it was a free modem (external) Comcast has been very reliable so far and I have installed a router giving botyh meself and MS Diane internet access. (2 puters on line)
Comcast uses the Motorola SurfBoard modem in this area. You can get your own (exact same thing) through
Circuit City for $60.
The only big advantage to renting is that they'll replace it for free if it dies. If it lasts longer than 6 months (which most will easily..) you are better off buying your own.
I've never seen an internal Cable modem - wouldn't buy one even if I did. Stick with an external unit.
I will add that Comcast's cable Internet service has been extremely reliable for me so far.
We've been very happy with Comcast. I just looked at our most recent bill and
I can't figure out if we own or lease the cable modem. I think we own it.
Argh, is there gonna be a test later?
WOW (wide open west) cable charges $2.50 a month rental for their cable box. You are allowed to use your own, they're just not responsible for it if it breaks down. I think it's well worth it to buy your own cable box.
Preface: I'm a Luddite.
When we got the DSL connection, the techie members of the family recommended leasing the $80 DSL box/modem rather than buying it.
Six months later lightning struck--literally lightning struck--and burned out the telephone company's DSL box/modem. They replaced their box at no cost to us.
Now, five months after the lightning, we're switching service to a cable connection. Their DSL box/modem was on sale for $49.95. The other modem will go back to the telephone company and we're ahead by $30.
I had a bad experience with Comcast Service. We cut our cable service, but they continued to bill us for it.
It was far too difficult to get this resolved. I spoke to several representatives on several occasions who seemed exceptionally uninterested in our problem.
I would drop Comcast as our DSL provider in a second if I could. Unfortunately they are the only company who offers high speed internet in our building.
Heh! I ran into the same thing with the MSN Qwest setup. They were also the only game in town. I'm back to dial up. Maybe slower, but much less frustrating.
I think that we rent the external modem from Road Runner. I believe that it is part of the service. The thing I like about the modem is that it has a switch to turn it off, when I am not surfing the net.