You call that thing an ARGUMENT???!!!
Why am I not surprised.....
Of course not, there's no argument about it. It stands on its own. Goes without saying and so forth..
I think you misspelled that..
I hope you see it as a final clinching argument...
You mean like the last nail in the coffin?
No, more like a dish for later in the meal....
Not the opening argument, shall we say....
But your coffin reference is likely to scare off any potential portfolio people...
Nah, I make up for it in other ways..
Exaggerated harmlessness.........?
No, I make great origami boulders.
I like that in a man......LOL!!!!!
You like origami boulders in a man?
Not IN him, per se - but the ability to make them, sure...
Is this one of those new-fangled implant dealies?
No, after my "thigh implants" idea I'm out of that business.
sozobe wrote:Is this one of those new-fangled implant dealies?
Er - could you run that past me again? I'm from Australia....
My "l" isn't working so great, that was almost "new-fanged impant dealies" -- think you're confused NOW...