Men were created to have sex and propagate the species. when man first came on the scene, before he dominated it as today, he was the part of the food chain with no fur, claws, huge teeth....couldn't climb quickly or run fast, couldn't fly, had no natural camoflaging colors or warmth providing coats.
The mortality rate for infants and people in general was astounding and on top of that they had a nine month gestation period and generally only bore one child at a time.
If men weren't made so horny they wouldn't put their peckers in anything that moves after a cocktail or two we'd have never lasted long enough to become what we are today.
Women were created to pick one alpha male, or the most alpha they could find and land, in order to produce offspring with the best chance of surviving.
Once a women became pregnant it was the man's job to go knock up another one.
Even though men and women became life long mates, loving and true to one another, this canoodling with anything and everything still took place because that's what men WERE CREATED FOR!!!!!!!!
Everything went along fine for a long time and then one day along came COSMO........AND THAT DAMN DOC JOHNSON..... and screwed up the entire system........