I missed that bit of info, if so (I've no idea). Busy at the time. I remember people not liking him, but not anything about why. I'm a melting babe at the sound of some irish or scottish voices, though by no means all or even most. I remember getting annoyed (you know me) re some celtic program on KCRW. And it can be a useless melting, should I ever do that, for some damned fool (smiles).
That's part of why I got freaky about eurocelticyankee leaving. He never answered who was the singer in the Silver Threads video he posted. He did, but he was answering about the wrong video. He was no doubt correct, but I liked the singer in the other video.
Part of my love of my husband was for his voice - he wasn't from Ireland himself but was tuned to the history, and more important then, or coinciding, the poetry and other writing.
Anyway, I liked Donovan's voice, not in a melting way, but generally.