Tue 12 Jul, 2011 09:01 pm
Had a word game epiphany. I'll write the beginning first two or three words of a sentence. Each word consecutive letters of the alphabet. The next poster will finish the sentence with two or three words (each starting with the next corresponding consecutive letters).
Then this poster will create another new sentence using two or three words of the next corresponding consecutive letters. Etc.... The completed and new sentences don't have to be related unless you want them to be.
EXAMPLE: 1st posting~ Adam's basket...
2nd poster~ contains dried eclairs.
[starts new sentence with letter F...]
French golfers hide ...
Okay, I'll start with:
Aleutian beggars can't...
Hmmm, shouldn't Mame have finished the sentence?
Okay, I'll finish Mame's bit.
... grinning hairy imps.
Good catch Reyn. Don't forget to start another sentence as well.
I'll grab the beginning of the next sentence.
Juggling kids love ...
many noobie opponents.
I'll let you start the next one, or else I have to over-tax my poor brain, and I need to keep it fresh for chess.
kicked Ludwig's mother. Now on parade...
yammering Zulu anecdotes.
Babushkas clutched deftly....
quick release suspenders.
Tiny uvulas venture...