Reply Mon 18 Jul, 2011 11:57 am
Good luck!
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Reply Mon 18 Jul, 2011 12:13 pm
Thomas wrote:
But speaking of "making things up": Another book I like, and an effortless read, is Bart Ehrman's Misquoting Jesus: The story behind who changed the Bible and Why. The title says it all: Ehrman explains how book publishing worked in the times before the printing press, how easy it was for the people who copied books to slip in changes, and how those changes follow distinct political patterns. Very useful to know when literalist evangelicals try to impose their opinions onto you as absolute truth "because the Bible says so."

I liked Ehrman's book also. I believe he concluded the book by saying that maybe the Bible needs to be re-interpreted from time to time in the same way that the U.S. Constitution is re-interpreted from time to time.
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Reply Mon 18 Jul, 2011 01:26 pm
an old friend of mine from Denver who is a Jew is sending me a couple of source books. it is wonderful to have thoughtful friends.
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The Anointed
Reply Sun 17 Oct, 2021 10:49 pm
Ehrman explains how book publishing worked in the times before the printing press, how easy it was for the people who copied books to slip in changes, and how those changes follow distinct political patterns.

In John 19: 25-27; we read; “Standing close to Jesus' cross were his mother his mother's sister Mary the wife of Cleophas and Mary Magdalene.”

What is being said here? “Standing close to Jesus' cross were his mother and his mother's sister, plus Mary the wife of Cleophas and Mary Magdalene,” as the orthodox Christian would have you believe. Or is this verse saying; “Standing close to Jesus' cross were his mother and his mother's sister, who are Mary the wife of Cleophas and Mary Magdalene.”

Luke 24: 10; does not name the women at the cross of Jesus, nor does he name the women at the burial of Jesus, but he does name the two women by the name “Mary,” who went to the empty tomb on Sunday morning and they were Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James (The brother of the Lord.)

Mark 15: 40; mentions the name of the two women at the cross of Jesus, by the name Mary, as Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James the younger and Joseph, two of the brothers of Jesus who were born of the same womb as he.

Mark 15: 47; Then goes on to say, that the two women by the name Mary, who watched the burial of Jesus, were Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joseph, the second son of Mary who was sired by Joseph the son of Jacob, the first husband of Mary.

Then at the empty tomb, Mark 16: 1; identifies the two women by the name Mary as, Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James, “James, being the younger of her three biological sons, Jesus, Joseph, and James the younger.”
Matthew 27: 56 reveals the names the two women at the cross of Jesus by the name Mary, and they are, Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James and Joseph, two of the three biological sons of Mary, the third being Jesus himself, the elder of her three sons.

Then in 27: 61; Matthew identifies the two women named Mary, who witnessed the burial of Jesus, as Mary Magdalene and the “OTHER” Mary. By saying the “OTHER” Mary, he reveals that there are only two women present by the name Mary, not three or more, but only two, and that the “OTHER” Mary he is referring to, is Mary the mother of James and Joseph, who he already stated was at his cross.

Matthew reinforces this by stating that at the empty tomb of Jesus, the only two women present by the name Mary, were Mary Magdalene and the “OTHER” Mary, who we know from Matthew 27: 56; to be Mary the biological mother of Jesus, Joseph and James the younger.

John 19: 25; Reveals who those two women by the name Mary are and what their relationship to each other is, when he says, “Standing close to the cross of Jesus, were his mother and his mother’s sister (And they are), Mary the wife of Cleophas (Who is also called in the Aramiac, Alphaeus and in Hebrew Joseph) and her sister Mary Magdalene.

It is highly unlikely that Mary the mother of Jesus had a biological sister born of her parents ‘Hanna and Alexander Helios,’ who was also named ‘Mary,’ But as Alexander Helios III (Heli) had a son called Joseph before he had united with Hanna to sire Mary the mother of Jesus, it is more than possible that HELI could have sired a daughter to the mother of his son Joseph also, who called her child ‘Mary,’ and therefore the sister-in-law to Mary the mother of Jesus, who is the wife to Joseph/Cleophas/Alphaeus.

And IMO, the sister-in-law of Mary the mother of Jesus, was Mary Magdalene of the northern town of Magdala, from whom Jesus drove out seven demons, and that she had birthed two sons out of wedlock, named Simeon and Judas, the half brothers of Jesus, who her brother Joseph the son of Heli, and husband to Mary, had adopted as his own sons.

But irrelevant to all that, the Greek ‘adelphe’ which is used in reference to an actual sister, is also used in the New Testament when referring to a woman of the same faith.

KJV--John 19:25; Standing close to the cross of Jesus were his mother and his mother’s sister Mary the wife of Cleophas and Mary Magdalene. Depending on the punctuation, this sentence could be made to appear as though there were three women by the name Mary at the cross of Jesus, Mary the mother of Jesus, her sister Mary the wife of Cleophas and Mary Magdalene.

The Evangelists wrote in Greek rather than in that time only the capital letters of the Greek alphabet were used in writing, without diacritics, punctuation, or separation between words. Lower case letters appeared only in the ninth century, together with spacing between words. Punctuation marks were introduced only with the invention of the printing press in the 15th century. The present separations of chapters were introduced by Cardinal Hugo in the 13th century.

WOMANWITHOUTHERMANISNOTHING. Now separate those words; “Woman without her man is nothing,” But without punctuation, what is being said here? “Woman without her man, is nothing;” or “Woman! Without her, man is nothing.”

The erroneous punctuation which was added by the Roman church of Emperor Constantine in the 15th century, which makes it appear that there were actually three women at the cross by the name Mary, does not reflect the truth as revealed in the scriptures, and that is, that there were only two women by the name ‘MARY’ at the cross of Jesus, and they were his mother and his mother’s sister, or sister-in-law (Who are) Mary the wife of Cleophas and Mary Magdalene.

Knowing from Mark and Luke that there were only two women by the name Mary, mentioned at the cross, the burial, and the empty tomb of Jesus, and that Matthew makes it abundantly clear that the only two women at the cross, the burial, and the empty tomb of Jesus, by the name ‘MARY’ were Mary Magdalene and the OTHER Mary, who was the mother of Jesus, Joseph and James the younger of her family, and knowing that Jesus from the cross spoke to his mother, “MARY the wife of Cleophas,” we are left with the only Logical conclusion, that the mother of Jesus, sometime after the death of Herod the Great, had married Joseph/Cleophas/Alpheaus, the son of Alexander Helios, a father of renown and that Joseph/Cleophas/Alpheaus, had adopted Simeon and Jude, the sons of another woman in the years that Mary was legally married to Joseph ben Jacob.

Joseph, who was also called Cleophas and Alphaeus, the actual father of Jesus, was to later marry Mary and sire James the younger of her three biological sons, making James the only full brother of Jesus the son of the carpenter.
Matthew 13: 55-56; “Isn't he (Jesus) the carpenter's son? Isn't Mary his mother, and aren't James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas his brothers? Aren't all his sisters living here?

In the ‘SUBJECT GUIDE’ of Young’s Analytical Concordance it is said that the name Cleophas means; “Of a renowned Father’ and that Cleophas and Alphaeus are one and the same person.

It was not uncommon for men of Galilee in those days to carry three names, one in Hebrew, one in Greek, and one in Aramaic. ‘Alexander Helios III,’ (HELI) who was an heir to the throne of David, was murdered at the command of Herod the Great, when his daughter Mary was about 7 years old, and Alexander Helios=Heli, had sired ‘Joseph son of Heli’ the biological father of Jesus, (According to Luke 3: 23) prior to his marriage of convenience to Hanna the mother of Mary.

And Heli, the father of Joseph, would have been seen as a father of renowned. Alphaeus and Cleophas, in Young’s Analytical Concordance Subject Guide, are said to be one and the same person: From the Subject Guide; “Cleophas: husband of Mary, also called Alphaeus.” And we know that Alphaeus, who is one and the same person as Cleophas, is the biological father of James the younger of Mary’s three biological sons, and of the four male brethren of Jesus, his only full brother.

Joseph, the biological father of Jesus, was the son of Alexander/Heli, a father of renowned who was murdered by Herod the Great in 13 BC, and Cleophas, which is the Masculine form of Cleopatra, carries the Greek meaning: “Of a renowned father,” and Alphaeus, is the Aramaic of the same meaning: “Of a renowned father.” (Alexander Helios III)

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The Anointed
Reply Mon 18 Oct, 2021 01:33 am
@Lustig Andrei,
the trangression of Aaron in worshipping the statue to Baal. He believed Baal was real, not some bogey.

Where and when was Aaron supposed to have worshiped Ba'al? The Golden calf was not a representation of Ba'al, who is worshiped in the form of a man. See also"IMAGES of Ba'al"

The God Molech has a human body with the head of a bull.

Those who worship Jesus as God, are Ba'al worshipers.

Romans 1: 18-23; God's anger is revealed from heaven against all the sin and evil of the people whose evil ways prevent the truth from being known.

God punishes them, because what can be known about God is plain to them, for God himself made it plain. Ever since God created the world, his invisible qualities, both his eternal power and his divine nature, have been clearly seen; they are perceived in the things that God has made. So those people have no excuse at all! They know God, but they do not give him the honour that belongs to him, nor do they thank him. Instead, their thoughts have become complete nonsense, and their empty minds are filled with darkness.

They say they are wise, but they are fools; instead of worshipping the immortal God, they worship images made to look like human beings, etc.
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Reply Mon 18 Oct, 2021 05:11 am
You should also read Robert Spencer's books.

He questions the historicity of Muhammad.
And there's other writers that claim Islam is not actually connected to Abrahamic tradition.
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Reply Mon 18 Oct, 2021 05:13 am
Also, read the Book of God. It rewrites the bible is a more digestible novel format.
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