Quote:I'd like to know what religious groups you allege do not emphasize dogma.
There are branches of Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism....
My point was that religion is a set of beliefs but it is also the appreciation of things like love, religious experiences, the joy of looking at people in in a special way.
None of that is really about following rules. Sure, a very conservative belief system can claim the only way to feel those things is by following rules...but that really does not encompass all these religious concepts I am talking about.
Therefore, I conclude that dogma is not religion even though it is usually present within religion in some form.
So a religious group that emphasizes the gospel of love. Or the dharma of loving-kindness that says, "the rules are not the point. Follow the spirit of love," is fairly un-dogmatic. There are some very rare groups that are like this. Maybe more than people are aware of because many only look at the extremists in these kinds of dialog.
I fear you might be an example of that kind of thinking, asserting that religion is all dogma. That is an illogical extreme. But that is the form of all religious and political debates in America.
In your head you have come to a conclusion and expected everyone to agree with you. "Religion=dogma" is your formula but it is in error.