WTF! Someone needs to be court marshaled over this one. Whoever ok'd this needs to be FIRED IMMEDIATELY and brought up on charges for murder.
This is an outrage and is absolutely unacceptable! Mexico should view this as an act of war. What is the Feds explanation for this?
And they are worried about the lives of federal agents? What about the lives of innocent Mexican civilians?
"12,400 people were killed in raging drug violence in 2010" (I am sure the number is much higher than that!)
One gun from the US is too many.
Heads should roll for this one....
"Weapons used in the killings were traced back to sales in Arizona and Texas respectively."
Simple commerce is not "an act of war," Red.
Do u think thay 'll wanna re-open the Mexican War ?
No I don't think any war between Mexico and the US will start... Americans love Mexico (I know I do) and American culture is also big in Mexico. I think the war is with corporate and "governmental/political" greed. One day the powers that be will realize they need good err, "workers" and this is when workers will turn on them for their misdeeds in the past. The people of China will remember being used as slaves and Mexicans will remember the companies that used them as slaves. They will go to work for labels and brand names that did not try and stick it to them when times were hard. We have them pegged now and slowly their empires will crumble into the sands of time. Their greed and money contributions used to squash workers rights are now a matter of historical public record and "we the people" don't forget... The power of the boycott will bring support for ethical business and work unfavorably for these companies that have acted without ethical merit. This shall be their curse placed upon them by their own past actions and the very people they have alienated and taken for granted... Just as with the next election cycle we will see the republicans voted from office in droves. You do not mess with democracy as openly underhandedly as they have and come out unscathed.
0 Replies
Sun 10 Jul, 2011 04:32 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:
Do u think thay 'll wanna re-open the Mexican War ?
It can't be much worse than what's already going on in Mexico.
I admit my last post was a bit tongue in cheek, but only a bit. You won't get a lot of sympathy over here when you bang on about immigration.200-299 people per square mile in the UK compared to 25-49 in America. You've got a long way to go before you catch up with us.
What's the problem with Mexicans? They're lovely people, I had a brilliant holiday in the Yucotan peninsula and that was in no small part down to the Mexican people themselves.
The UK has a long way to go before they catch up with us when it comes to total square miles.
I honeymooned in Mexico and the people working at the resort were wonderful and happy to have a job, but the people outside the resort are 3rd world at best.
They all got a kick out of my 'One shot One kill' T-shirt from Arizona.
The UK has a long way to go before they catch up with us when it comes to total square miles.
I honeymooned in Mexico and the people working at the resort were wonderful and happy to have a job,
but the people outside the resort are 3rd world at best.
They all got a kick out of my 'One shot One kill' T-shirt from Arizona.
It's all about the person sending the round down range... just about
any quality rifle will do the job with the right person pulling the trigger.
I do believe sound suppression is a must for any sniping.
Thanks for missing the completely obvious and thanks for the laugh.
0 Replies
Sun 10 Jul, 2011 03:27 pm
H2O MAN wrote:
I honeymooned in Mexico and the people working at the resort were wonderful and happy to have a job, but the people outside the resort are 3rd world at best.
You mean like Bob Marley? By the way I'm glad I gave you such a laugh. we all try to do our best. What sort of laugh did I give you? I imagine you're a bit of a chortler, but I'd be very pleased if I gave you a great big belly laugh. I only hope you're not a sniggerer, I'd be most disappointed.
That 's right; when I wrote that, I had second thoughts about the oil,
but even so, we r better off without the Mexicans.
bad enuf, the ones that sneak across the border
And what about our murderers, rapists and pedophiles that sneak across their border seeking to flee US justice? That is much worse than someone crossing the border seeking simply a better living standard. The Mexicans should have a speedy pathway into our country considering they are indigenous to this continent and should have been allowed in long before say, the Irish. And why did we let so many Irish migrate to the US? Famine...
Your remark seems racist at best David. Weren't Jews also given a speedy pathway to citizenship in the US to help them escape Hitler's war? In fact that United Nations gave them nearly an entire country that did not belong to them to give away.