Ceili wrote:
So if a county/city gave me a building rent free to run my business, that wouldn't be a subsidy?
I'm not paying to use the building or land, I don't pay for the upkeep, maintenance, day to day running costs or the taxes and I get to keep the profit I made because I didn't pay these fees...
Somebody has to pay for these things, the lights don't come on for nothing... Who pays the bills?
Not me, the generous tax payers do. Now if that isn't corporate welfare, I'm not sure you understand the concept at all.
First of all, we are not merely discussing whether some example is or is not corporate welfare but whether corporate welfare is parallel to welfare, the latter being money, real money, taxpayers' money, freely given directly to an individual for the individual to spend this money in any manner they render as prudent. If you thought the dialogue was about whether X is or is not corporate welfare, then I am not sure you understand what was being discussed.
As I stated previously, assuming arguendo, your example is a subsidy, this is not the same type of subsidy as welfare, and by welfare I am specifically referring to an individual receiving, in the mail, money, real money, taxapayers money, for free, in addition to and on top of their income, spend within their sole discretion.