Fri 29 Apr, 2011 07:06 pm
So, I'm working on a Penguins of Madagascar fanfic, and I can't come up with a title. I've been working on the first chapter, racking my brain but can't think of anything.
It's mainly centered around Kowalski, and a bit of a Re-Animator spoof, loosely based around the movie "Re-Animated". I'm including my original character in this too(not in a romance way with any of them, for your information). One of the things in this, too, as Kowalski is going through this formula/serum/experiments, he's turning slowly insane(.. insane-r), then sucking the OC(Lacy) into helping him, throughout this there's gonna be killing, it's basically a more sci-fi horror with just a little bit of comedy. I'd be very grateful if you guys would help me with this fanfic title. if you need anymore details, I'd be happy to inform you.
I don't know the series you're basing your work on, but titles can be outside of the realm you're working in, if you like.
It could be something like
Descent into Madness or
Kowalski Loses It. BTW, have you considered issu for putting it out (just Google issu) -- there is the opportunity to give it some lovely formatting there.
Thanks =) I'm thinking about using Descent Into Madness, it's a very good title. Thanks for the help.
Oh, my pleasure - if you post it out there, send me a PM (don't post the link here; we'd pull it as spam, sorry) I'd love to see it (I like fanfic -- love to see how people bend and stretch characters).

Happy writing!