contrex wrote:
Romantic wrote:What is personification
Assigning human qualities to non-human things.
I fear that too often it is also the assigning of human qualities to people when those same people have never demonstrated any objective evidence of humanity beyond the approximation of it in appearance... What we often call civility is usually personification, and it is preferable to zenelasia, or outright objectification of others which often goes on regardless; but people should try to take that next step...
The presumption for political purposes of another's humanity which no one accepts along with the equality which no one respects is not going to have any beneficial long term results... I would rather just keep an open mind... If some one wants me to think of them as human, then I will try... It is like that rummy of Faulkener's in the movie to have and have not asking people if they had ever been bit by a dead bee... Most people have a way of finding out if others are real, and if they can be real in return...It is altogether impossible to have a human relationship with people who cannot endure it, or to avoid a human relationship with people who demand it... I talk to people...I look at people... I engage with people, learn about them, and even care for them... Some people are invisible to others, and I refuse to leave them without notice, without the recognition due to them as human beings... I get it back; but there are times and people who meet a smile with a cold stare, or sharp short words, and get done and on to the next so and so... That ain't me... They ain't me... One of us isn't quite human and I hope it ain't me that's not...