You really crack me up . . . you can spell and annunciate ? ! ? ! ? Does that mean that you never misspell words, or use the wrong words, and that you're able to make public announcements as well? (As for circumcision, that is required by the law, and your boy Jesus said that not one jot or tittle of the law would pass away until the end of time--so, i guess christians, who initially did not want to be circumcized, and got a hall pass from Paul on that one, were not really christians, huh? I am, by the way circumcized, not that i had any sayin the matter at the time.)
God, you can't beat this site for free entertainment.
Hey, Jesus Boy, if you're four square for the bobble and everything in it, does that mean you approve of executing unruly children, adulterers and homosexuals?