Quote:well, you havent read my posts
All of your posts. Be accurate. And given the extreme voluminousness of the group of posts your refer to, adding to that the obvious evidence to the contrary of your claims, and I think I can forgive myself for not reading it all.
Quote:and dont have references to your polls. So you give me no reason to believe what you say.
You read, yet didn't understand - you are welcome to believe or disbelieve whatever you want.
Quote:Im soory to hear that you see what extremists do, on the news, and magnify it by saying "religion is violence". All my condolences.
Obviously you read what I wrote but quite ignored it, which isn't unexpected.
By the way, I have not magnified anything, but probably understated - the list of acts of 'terror' and violence and intimidation committed in the name of Islam in the last decade are significant in both number and nature.
Let me put it this way, the acts & words of the prophet, and the acts of modern muslims fundamentalists speak louder than the empty protestations of peace ever will. Fundamentalists I refer that I can think of off the top of my head include :
- numerous Indonesian church bombers
- 9-11 aircraft bombers
- Spanish train bombers
- London tube bombers
- Bali bombers
- The terrorist hijackings of the 70's& 80's. The Lockerbie bomber being the most famous
- Heritage statue destructions in Afghanistan (those statues of Budha carved into the cliff face were thousands of years old)
- The bombers in Thailand, where there is a civil war going on, but the south does so along religious lines
- Death sentences issued to those that changed religions of Islam to Christianity
- Iraqi bombers who are bombing other muslims based on their versions of Sunni or Shiite Islam
I know that I have missed (and summarised) a hell of a lot of violence. Islam is a dangerous religion...and by the definition of dangerous, that is one charge that simply can not be denied (for it has dangerous people, who carry out violent and dangerous acts - see above)
So you are welcome to bury your head in the sand, and believe just some parts of the koran, while othersMuslims interpret differently to you, believing (probably more than you, given how much you have to ignore) that they have the right of it and that it is your interpretation that is the problem with Islam today. And those Muslims believe that they are called to violence.