I'm trying to get you to work your brain a bit harder Dutch. How can that be a bad thing when it's good for the brain? Why do you want to make it easy like the Sun crossword is easy for anyone who has being doing it for 50 years so that the brain festers in stagnation leading to all sorts of weird and wonderful situations.
If you never make any connections then nobody expects you to do and then each of us just sees your word as his or her own test and nothing more. A kiddiwinks test. On the other hand if we knew you had a connection in mind we could try to figure out what it was if it was not so obvious and if we did it would help us all to get to know each other better. Look how everybody who is anybody on A2K knows I am sold out to lingerie. And openly admit it through a lot of the connections I make when I can to ladies' garments. And they know how mordantly cynical I am as well.