I would like if some young A2Ker, who is currently undergoing child minding at school, were to see that and use "droid" in an essay for the English teacher and her take him to task about it in front of the class and him, it has to be a him, it's not catty enough for girls, and he explains his usage, whilst staring vacantly into space as grandma might explaining for the umpteenth time how to suck eggs, as the teacher retires behind the register, a device so the fuckers know where we are, in red-faced confusion.
I love that sort of thing. And "droid" is only one example of many suitable for such a bit of playful fun. Take "moocha" for example. Or "biltung". (see Rider Haggard's exotic stories).
The teaching profession has so arranged things that it is not easy to make a snotty, snivelling wretch of a teacher look ridiculous. Placing a large spider with big furry legs in the drawer where the register is kept is too dangerous as it might result in an accident if she climbs up on a stool holding her skirt hard down and hopping from foot to foot. There are lawyers lying in wait for such things like lions do for their prey.
So we are left with variations on the methods Fellini showed us in Amarcord. Or teachers not ever being ridiculous. Which is ridiculous. It leads to pomposity. Which is even more fun to deal with.
Go A2Klet.