Thu 18 Dec, 2003 06:18 pm
I feel like reading some nice Christmassy tales, any recommendations?
Modern day, classics, I'm up for all suggestions
I read John Grisham's "Skipping Christmas" last year and really enjoyed it. It's a quick read and very funny.
Oh, I saw that in the bookshop on Saturday! I'll see if the library has it on Monday, thanks!
the Battle For christmas by steve Nissenbaum. its a really good read as to how this holiday evolved from a "misdemeanor' in the Mass BAy Colony, to the Bellsnickels of pa Dutsch, all the way to our present celebration. if nothing else, itll make you want to try some early traditions (only some, others are downright bizarre)
Red Ranger Came Calling by Berkely Breathed
Yep, "Skipping Christmas" was fun. Has a nice Capra-esque ending... schmaltzy and somewhat unbelievable, to be sure, but nice.