You are all hilarious and awfully nice. I've been chuckling, listening to bagpipe music <swoon>, thinking how swell it is that Satt remembered the hour (that's a mathematician for you) and how... my rep. preceeds me.
Do I talk too much, Quinn? Maaaaaaaybe! But, nahhh, my birthday twin, Clary, comes to my rescue! LOL
Do I like poetry? Yes, especially, maybe even mostly if it's doggerel. Thanks, Setanta.
Diane, as a matter-of-fact, I was just out admiring the moon. (Hey, somebody has to do it!)
Sozobe -- Thanks!
Margo -- Awww! And I was just thinking of you yesterday while I was at the grocery looking at some obviously inferiour Mango Chutney and wishing I still had some of yours!
Husker -- Thanks my friend!
Beth, Misti, Letty -- what a trio of sweeties! Thanks.
ThinkZinc? I'm honored! Was it that bagpipe music that called you? I loved Scotland, yes. Maybe I should emigrate?
Merry A, Gustav, Bear, Dog, and Seal -- You are vastly more entertaining and erudite than you know. I truly enjoy reading your stuff. I think you're hilarious.
Timber -- you're the man. Did you make it yourself?
Eva, Fealola -- never late when you're worth the wait.
Edgar, Ruach -- Thanks for stopping in. Ruach... ooops, you caught me!
Thanks! Thanks, littlek for thinking of me. (And I just signed up for your presidential campaign without having even read this. See, I'll be a loyal supporter.... :wink: )
Thank you to all of you for being such interesting friends, full of cheer & humor. You made my birthday special even if I didn't read this until today. <Where's that emoticon for blushing???>
Ahhh, here it is.

Sorry I was late, glad you started eating the cake without me. Guess you had to dig in after the midgets left. (Hmmm, y'know, I once had an interesting encounter with a ....)