A huir uv a canty birthday, piffka, an' only aw tha best fur tha future! Main aw yer wishes come true.
My birthday song for you
Piffka, You are priceless:
You are a kind and creative soul...my godsons Bd is 17th as well...and it just goes to show how people share characteristics in the whole scheme of things..one question...
could you talk someone into the ground? I guess this is simply 'his way' but, I always wanted to find someone with the same day and ask..just to be sure. Its not a bad thing, just funny.
Hope you had a fabulous day and a wonderful year!
Hey quinn! Speaking as a fellow Dec 17th-er, I would say that you have to look at the astrology of the year of birth; my moon is Libra so I'm quite talkative but not 'into the ground'. Sags do tend to talk freely and often rather too frankly but are not necessarily talkative!
HB Clary!!!!
Excellent...a fine bunch of Sag's around, and I guess just of a talkative nature works. The into the ground thing I always thought was a childhood thing for the GS but, now that hes 21....Im guessing thats not it

Thanks for the input!
Walter, the bagpipes were wonderful. Our Scottich Patty will love them.
Where the hell is the birthday lady?
This really screws things up, her not showing up like this. I had a couple of naked midgets hidden inside the cake. As soon as Piffka blew on the candles they were going to pop out of the cake and start waving their things at Piffka as they sang a rousing Happy Birthday.
But we waited so long the poor bastards started to suffocate. I could hear their muffled screams coming from inside the cake, "Gustav! let us out.... we can't breathe!"
Finally, I had to release the little bastards. Now there's a big hole in the top of Piffka's cake.
Oh well..... I tried.
THAT's what those guys were muttering darkly about near the door when I came in. I saw something about "sue him", "ACLU", "unfit working conditions" and some other, more colorful language.
Happy birthday to a great gal!
Gus 0 I don't know but nows my chance - I'm so late!
Happy DB Piffka! Best Wishes
I'm late! I'm late! (puff...puff...puff...deeeeeeep breath....)
Has anyone thought of PMing her to alert her to the very existence of this thread? That cake is starting to look crestfallen.
That would take the fun out of it, Merry Andrew. This way, it's more like a surprise birthday party. You know, she's kind of wandering around A2K, looking at different things, and all of a suddens she stumbles upon this thread. All of her friends jump out at her and shout, "Happy Birthday, Piffka!"
Then she starts crying and the rest of us mill around uncomfortably, sensing that maybe we've done something wrong, but then it occurs to us that Piffka's tears are tears of happiness and we all start screaming and hollering and pumping our fists in the air.
Now do you understand the ridiculousness of pm'ing her, Merry Andrew?
Are you a little sheepish that you even brought that idea up?
oh, i think i'm too late. the surprise will be over by now.
oh, well. Happy Birthday, anyway!!!!!!!
Sheepish? Moi? You stay away from me, Gustav!!!
I was going to confront you, Merry Andrew, perhaps get a little verbal tussle going, maybe escalating into physical confrontation, but then I noticed your signature.
I'm.......slowly........backing away.
Hope you had a great day, Piffka, and hope that you enjoyed your trip to Scotland earlier this year also (not visited here for a while!)
I just noticed Piffka hanging around some of the threads, so I'm going to write this and try to get her attention.