Recently a week past maybe two, the NY Times had an article written stating similar. A book is real and there's a flip back feature where there's a sense where a statement or phrase was. I'm fairly decent at this.
Additionally a book has a feeling that can't be denied, the feel that the paper has is far superi or to cheap plastic and the book always has a friendly smell. There's the new bbook smell, the preserved in a bag smell, the closet smell, the dampness of a bathroom smell which can beatitudes become mold if you aren't careful, there's the aged book, the smell of a kitchen book, the basement residnet book and so on. Can't beat the smell and feel.
Similar with me in maps. I have loved maps since I was a child. I loved the maps as they were and then the maps I created (I had a great deal of homework avoidance time). The maps, the atlases were always better than the damned stinking globe (although the globe was openable and was a place that things were hidden). My happiest day in 1970-ish was when the elderly man upstairs died. Alright gruesome nuts, I meant that I inherited his maps. Every last one! I also got a wood medicine chest which I don't still have. A map has an image, and I can figure where in the grid X might be and where G might be. It's far better than the compuuter generated maps which require moving space to space, never having a full viewable image and if I need an earlier image I have to backtrack and wait as a page reappears, with a physical map I can easily find the space.
Sadly the future will be a disaster as there will be no books, no maps, paper will be a thing relegated to history, seen as an oddity which will be read about on crashable computer screens. Then one day electrical powers of all kinds will cease and the mechanical books, letters, maps, musical instruments will cease as well.
A Kindle, A Nook. Materialistic garbage which dunderheads like prancing about with, a symbol of their supposed economic superiority. A paper book always can be had for free, a plastic gadget will always have a fee.
Read a book and it can be given to a friend. If the friend hasn't a Kindle, then what?
When reading a book if irritated, it can be thrown and survives, will a plastic book survive?W
Frustrated with a map? Crumple it, wad it up as a ball, it can be straigthemned a mechanical map can't be.
There's a place for the mechanical stuff, it's just that the basics are being abandoned and the skills which created the basics are being obliterated and forgotten. 30, 50 years hence will there be anybody that can still run a printing press? A standard press without computers measuring ink and deciding pressure?
As always I have no idea who wrote the above or why they used my name.