Thu 2 Dec, 2010 07:28 pm
Here's the situation. I moved recently. The credit company sends my bill to the wrong address, even after I explained exactly what my new address would be and exactly when they should start sending bills to that address. Needless to say, I don't get a bill that month. Somehow I realize this (I can't remember how) the day after the payment is due, so I call them and explain the situation to them, and I pay the bill at that time, one day late.
They tell me that's fine, they'll take the late payment charge off my account. No worries.
Now, a month later, I get a bill with a late payment charge on it. I call again, explain the situation, and the CSR tells me the request to wave the fee was denied. I explain the whole situation again to him until he finally tells me he's going to take the fee off again. So now supposedly he has taken the fee off for real.
Here's my question:
If they take off the late charge, does that mean that they've actually taken the late payment off my credit report as well? The CSR told me that would be taken care of, but how do I really know for sure? Who can I check with?
I ask because I have a pretty spotless credit record, and I would be supremely pissed off if it gets tarnished with a late payment because of somebody else's incompetence.
Oh, and if I do find out that I still have a late payment on my record, how do I find out who did this to me so that I can go to their residence and beat the living **** out of them?
If I recall correctly, only payments that are more than 30 days late get reported to the credit agencies.
I'd call them again tomorrow and I'd get the name and if possible their employee number if possible. Bug them, they'd do the same to you if the cases were reversed.
You could also type up the details while they are fresh in your mind so you'll have it ready to be put into your credit file, just in case.
I think you will find that the mighty machine in question has your wedding vegetables in a vice on this one, and can squeeze you til you sing Good Ship Lollipop a full octave higher than Shirley Temple on helium.
The problem is that you were late with payment, and did not get the name of the person you spoke to, nor do you have any hard evidence that the conversation ever took place. now
On the gooooood ship Lallly pop, its a sweeet trip to the candy shop
Where bon bons play....all the way down to peppermint bay.
Quote:Who can I check with?
Paranoia Payments have a hot line.
Thanks for the advice, everyone. I guess I'll just check in again today and if I can't find out for sure if this has been taken care of, I'll just have to let it go.
Next time I will get the damn employee's name, rank and serial number. Sons a' bitches.
You can also access your credit report for free once/year. I doubt the cc company registered a late payment that was only one day late, particularly from a good customer but you can check for yourself for free. There are many agencies that offer you a free credit check but they make you sign up for their service (which you can then cancel, but it's a pain you don't need).
site will give you your credit reports from the big three agencies for free without making you sign up for a program. They do charge to see your credit score, but that's not what you need in order to see if the cc company put a late payment on your history. You should probably wait a couple weeks or a month to make sure there's nothing in the data pipeline.
Yep, that's the site I'd linked above.