@Greatest I am,
Dude, just how many threads have you started on this subject?
You still don't get it? <SIGH>
Let's be clear about religion. It is inspired by humans in the same way physical tools were, viz., to improve their lives. And only a college sophomore would be sufficiently obtuse about the adult world also not to recognize that there are times when religions cause harm.
Be that as it may, your thesis is essentially without value, because you still don't understand the purposes that religions have as "tools" to humanity and the human condition.
To reiterate:
The four functions of religion:
1. Mystical – realizing the wonder of the universe, awe before the mystery
2. Cosmological – a picture of the universe (e.g., Hebrew worldview).
3. Sociological – supports and validates a particular social order.
4. Pedagogical – how to live a human life.
Since these things/needs/yearnings are universal to the human condition, I would like you to explain how Darwin, the Theory of Evolution, or even Quantum Electrodynamics provides sufficient functionality to provide for each of the items I mentioned in 1-4.
Because the only thing that will replace religion is going to have to provide for 1-4, but unless something else fulfills the functions religion does, you will continue to have human beings look towards religion to comfort them about their own sentience and sense of mortality.
In effect, religions will continue to exist as long as people ask who they are, where they came from, and where they are going..... in other words, until humans die off.