Sat 23 Oct, 2010 06:05 am
I am a college student conducting research for a class. I am studying how the death of a friend or relative effects a person’s religious beliefs. Please if you would be so kinds as to answer these questions and elaborate as much as you wish to. If you would care to tell it, I would like to hear your personal stories. Any information you give me shall remain confidential, the only person who shall see this research is my professor.
• How religious would you say you are?
• What religion do you follow?
• How strictly do you follow this religion’s beliefs?
• How does your religion perceive death?
• Does our religion believe in life after death?
• Do you believe in life after death?
• Has the death of your loved one changed or strengthened any of your beliefs about the afterlife?
• If so, then how did your beliefs change?