I had a mailman in my old neighborhood that was great. He grew up three blocks away, in fact lived in the same house all his life, and had delivered the mail in that general area his whole career. He knew everybody, and everybody liked him. I knew I'd miss him when I moved away...
I've been in my present home for almost four years, and every time I see the mail being delivered, it's a different person. The boxes are grouped together, the mail is delivered by truck, and I don't know any of the drivers from Adam's off ox, if you get my drift... am I supposed to tip these people?
Same with my newspaper delivery. I used to give the guy a plate of homemade Chrismus treats, with a cash tip too. Now the delivery person changes every few months, and when it does I go through h-e-double-toothpick (

) trying to get them to toss it onto the porch instead of in the sometime lake that passes itself off as my driveway... This morning, in with my paper, I found a Crismus card, signed "Happy Holidays! from your Carrier." The envelope was addressed to my paper carrier, at her home address... Should I take the hint and slip in a check, add a stamp & mail, or just display the card as "the first card I've gotten this year!"? Judging by the delivery hassle, she's been my carrier for about a month...