I thought all along it was a reaction to Beck's Rally, but then the message I took away yesterday was that it was an attack of the media for polarizing coverage.
A couple of times I was thinking the President would pop on the screen to say "Remember to vote" or something, but then that would have made it political. I don't know if they had to avoid blatant political references in order to not be seen as a political arm (providing Democrat coverage via tv for free) or if their real purpose was just to say "Hey, we're all just people trying to live our lives. Stop tearing us apart and ruining our country with all this fear mongering political coverage!"
Beck went to great lengths to say his rally wasn't political. So, was the Fear/ Sanity Rally a spoof?
Sanity won at the end of the day according to Jon and Stephens portrayal of how they would like it to be. We'll see how it works out in reality.