I was talking with Diane about him today, one of our days of many conversations over a bunch of hours. We got onto people's looks, I forget how, oh, maybe it was about my people watching while waiting for her after my own quick grocery shopping while sitting on a for-sale chair by the store entry area (lottery, books for sale, baked goods, "garden" area). I was off on how few blacks are here in Abq, and allied matters. Anyway, I segued to that I like that people look different even within the same old groups and I just about never dislike someone re their looks, including politicians or anyone else I disagree with entirely.
But then I remembered Blagojovic. I can hardly bear to see an online photo in news about him. I can't stand him, and it goes beyond behavior, the hair, the hair.
This makes me feel about ten years old, except that that is mean to ten year olds. I haven't had such a visceral wish to pie slap for decades.