Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2010 12:41 am
Setana replied and I don't care to even read it.

Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2010 06:15 am
JTT wrote:

How do we solve this problem?

That is a no-brainer, Rex. Long prison terms for all those who took part in these two illegal invasions would put a stop to these kinds of reckless, inhumane actions.

Lolly-pops and virgins for those who provoked these wars?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2010 10:00 am
Which is just as well, given that i wasn't talking to you, ****-wit.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 27 Aug, 2010 02:33 am
This thread was not created to to discuss if removing Saddam was justified or not. People sure have an agenda to make America look like an ass while they miss the point. Congress ok's the the war, the general public was for it and even if the public was lied to about the presence of WMD they still wanted Saddam out. So did the majority of Iraqis and they did not care about WMD either other than how Saddam was murdering his own people without thought. They are glad he is gone too... And much of Europe was sure getting rich over oil for food kickbacks while Iraqi children starved to death. No wonder the sanctions were not working.

No this is about what is at the very heart of humans and why we are always fighting. Why did Saddam kill his own people? Why did the terrorists choose to kill Americans. Why can't Israeli and Palestinian people get along? Why Hitler. why Jewish wars of antiquities. Why Mohamed's conquest?

Why are countries building nuclear weapons? Why the Iran/Iraq war?

Why can't neighbors get along?

Well this has to do with pride. People get to too proud and arrogant. They take nationality to mean superiority. Even the tiniest difference is magnified to mean that someone is better.

Why did I say woman's rights were at the root?

Well, what did I just write? Even the tiniest difference is magnified to mean that someone is better. Even the difference of male and female has been used to justify sexism and prejudice. If fact it the the most basic reason for war. The war between the sexes.

My questioning is, has there always been war between the sexes?

Has it always been to such a degree that it is today?

My mind goes to the Hebrew scriptures where supposedly God said woman was the reason for a so called "original sin".

Perhaps this idea for original sin goes back even farther than the Hebrew Bible but this is what most people draw upon today.

Christians, Muslims and Jews all use these writings to justify many things contrary to peace, social harmony and enlightenment.

They use all three religions use these writings to justify hate for others. They use them to hate homosexuals and to belittle and enslave women. It is this book that seems to be the root of most war today. Perhaps these ideas from this book come from an even earlier source but this is what people draw on today for their perception of what life is.

Maybe there was no original sin? Maybe life is the way it is supposed to be and women are no more evil then men. People have a hard time to understand well if there is yin and yang, black and white then black must be evil and white must be good and purity. Then they lump male and female in and one sex has to represent evil right? WRONG.

Not everything is connected like that as I said this idea of original sin may date back to earlier than the Bible but it is the Bible people use to justify hate not as just hate alone but hate in the name of God. In other words they use God to justify sexism and prejudice. So if you trace the path of the Bible and see who believes in it we can trace where wars comes from. War justified by God or Gods...

I will start with the Hebrews. The Hebrews used the Bible to justify their wars and prejudice in the "name of God". Hitler found this appalling. So he responded to this threat by murdering as many Jews associated with Hebrew scriptures as he could.

Then some christian filled Mohamed's head with the same, original sin idea and the Bible then begins to bring war down upon the Islamic Arabs who justify killing their neighbor as God's will. The same thing happened when the Hebrew bible, with Jesus added, Christianized Rome. Rome used it to kill Jews and pagans in the name of God and to burn women at the stake for being "evil" witches... All in the name of God. Even though Jesus said he who is without sin cast the first stone the Hebrew scripture trumped that ideal when convenient.

It seems anyone who adopts this theosophy becomes radicalized by it. When we see war it is brought on by the adherence to these doctrines that God/Allah/Jehovah is telling the faithful that they are better than their neighbor and that women are relatively the source of evil.

That wives are to submit to their husbands for they would not be able to live right otherwise.. And if they do not then men are justified by God to seek extreme measures of punishment for their wives.

Men are just as sinful if not even more-so.

Why is America at war? I say the more we adopt these ideas that God justifies racism, sexism and such the more we will bring war down upon ourselves.

America jumped in to save the Jews from Hitler when it was the Jews who by their own choice adopted these ideas of racism and sexism. Then Hitler adopted these ideas of racism and sexism himself and war came and destroyed his power. Islam has adopted these ideas of racism and sexism from the Hebrew scriptures and now war has come upon them.

These scriptures are the source of barbarity and war and anyone who puts faith in them will become radicalized by them and will bring destruction down upon themselves, their family and their neighbors...

It comes with a variety of names but it is still underneath the same idea of using God to justify hate.

So how do we fix this problem? It seems that all faiths need to unlearn the Bible...

We need to look at male and female as both sacred and with equality.

We need to put all idedas of racial superiority out of our heads.

We need to stop this "chosen people" thing and realize we are all unique and this uniqueness is the root of our global equality.

The Bible is just plain wrong and it will lead people into even more death and destruction until we as a whole realize it is just plain lies cunningly devised by theists to control women and enslave people who seem different.

Women, pagans, people of different ethnicity the bible lends God to justify hate.

Even Hitler used some Arian religion to justify the killing of Jews.

People use God to discriminate so as to relieve their conscience of such a terrible deed. Does America have this prejudice and religious arrogance? You want to bet! You want to bet fundamentalists are backing this war for religious purposes too.

They use God to justify killing. Jihad. Call it a Jihad and yes God is love but it justifies the senseless killing, because someone thinks differently than what is written in that evil book they must be evil in God's sight.

9/11 was according to many justified by God... The poor Palestinians cheered and praised Allah! War is visiting them too... The war in Iraq was justified as a response. The response is still caused by the initial radical ideal that God justifies killing over religious ground.

So we are justified by God in responding with shock and awe... There must be a better way to frame a justified response to religio-fascism than "shock and awe..." Is the shock and awe the power of God at work? No never.

So there you have it, this was in my head when I started this discussion.

We need to unlearn the Bible, arrive at equality and forget this jealous angry God of barbarism that in time only brings wrath down upon it own adherents. Something is seriously wrong with the conclusions drawn from that book and the ideas it espouses and war follows it wherever it goes.

War is never justified by God, a true God would only justify equality, love and peace.

Woman did not sin in a garden! This was invented by men who wanted to war over women and their neighbor and justify it by using God... They wanted to use the fear, shame and guilt of God to justify murder and slavery. Thus sinful woman must follow the righteous man of God.

The Bible kills any people who adopt it and it is evident people today are still unaware of this. Oil is just a mask for war justified by God. Are at war over oil? It is woman's rights and the rights of others as seen through the theology of "god" that is the direct cause of America's wars. It starts in the first chapters of the book and from there sexism, racism homophobia and many other evils are planted in the the heart and justified by this evil creature called God.
High Seas
Reply Fri 27 Aug, 2010 07:08 am
Platitudinous nonsense with pretensions of scholarship. Heraclitus wasn't quoting the Hebrew bible when he wrote:
War is the father of all and king of all

source: DK B53 of his Fragments
But not only are you wrong on principle, you're also wrong on practicality. We'll have to cut back on foreign wars for financial reasons:
.....he plotted the exponential growth of unit cost for fighter aircraft since 1910 (see chart 2), and extrapolated it to its absurd conclusion:
“In the year 2054, the entire defence budget will purchase just one aircraft. This aircraft will have to be shared by the Air Force and Navy 3½ days each per week except for leap year, when it will be made available to the Marines for the extra day.”

Reply Fri 27 Aug, 2010 12:03 pm
@High Seas,
Platitudinous nonsense with pretensions of scholarship.

A succinct summation of your postings, HS.

The rest is the normal Lt Col Flagg stuff.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 27 Aug, 2010 12:29 pm
This thread was not created to to discuss if removing Saddam was justified or not. People sure have an agenda to make America look like an ass while they miss the point. Congress ok's the the war, the general public was for it and even if the public was lied to about the presence of WMD they still wanted Saddam out.

So did the majority of Iraqis and they did not care about WMD either other than how Saddam was murdering his own people without thought. They are glad he is gone too... And much of Europe was sure getting rich over oil for food kickbacks while Iraqi children starved to death. No wonder the sanctions were not working.

The American propaganda mill sure makes Goebbels look the amateur.

America is doing a fine job itself making it appear the "ass".

It's odd, Rex, that you can pontificate on such moral issues and yet you attempt to reduce America's culpability in the illegal invasion of Iraq and the slaughter of tens of thousands of Iraqis.
Reply Fri 27 Aug, 2010 12:53 pm
@High Seas,
So we have a military budget based upon our ecomomy. Wow such brilliant deduction I am flabbergasted! So your final assessment, we are at war because it costs money! Yet you did not even address why people get beheaded while being forced to spout verses of the Koran? Or why it is that mostly the religious right in our country supports these wars? How many military chaplains are still serving in Afghanistan?

Talk about "platitudinous nonsense with pretensions of scholarship" but I cannot seem to find the scholarship in anything you have written. You post an article written by someone else about rising costs of military units.

And... your point is?

While others declare jihads and holy wars for God/Allah/Jehovah based upon the words of the scriptures and you are counting pennies and discrediting the motivations in the first place.

Were the christian crusades waged due purely to the expense of a military or for ideological reasons? How about the holy roman empire and the the Spanish inquisition? Were these factions created for military expense purposes alone or for religious intents derived from the very bible that preachers are bemoaning about even today. Filling people's heads with the Bible's inherent bigotry and hate seems to be a militaristic necessity and stratagem. Religious hate and military motives seem to go hand in hand.

We talk of democracy but is that the real motivation for America's wars?

How many Islamic fighters are serving in the US forces?

As I said it is time to unlearn these scriptures of hate and come to a universal idea of freedom and equality of for all. Then perhaps it won't matter if we have the world's best fighter planes. Religious education is the doorway to hate and war.
Reply Fri 27 Aug, 2010 01:15 pm
Was regime change in Germany illegal and the slaughter of many Germans??

There are enough asses to go around. Feel better now?
Reply Fri 27 Aug, 2010 01:16 pm
"Regime change in Germany" was the inevitable result of Germany having declared war on the United States . . . and then lost.
0 Replies
High Seas
Reply Fri 27 Aug, 2010 02:51 pm
RexRed wrote:

Was regime change in Germany illegal and the slaughter of many Germans??

There are enough asses to go around. Feel better now?

Cut to the chase - this interminable blather is tiresome. You worry about US wars, right? So our recent financial constraints are - in your view - a positive development, right? So what's all your whining about? Btw, don't worry about JTT, that guy is already working here >
A maximum of nine Ebonics experts will work with the Drug Enforcement Administration’s Atlanta field division
> probably in Jamaican patois (another much-sought-after specialty) or possibly in plain old Oakland ebonics. See if you can guess which Smile
High Seas
Reply Fri 27 Aug, 2010 03:03 pm
You're such a terminal idiot, RexRed, your posts are beyond ridiculous and bordering on the hilariously absurd:

Heraclitus wrote, you say, in his Fragment 53 which I quoted "..... an article written by someone else about rising costs of military units..." Stick around, you know JTT by now, and have you met Martin Timothy? Go ahead and combine "data" with them..! Smile
Reply Fri 27 Aug, 2010 03:17 pm
@High Seas,
High Seas, just another spineless chickenshit. She doesn't even possess the integrity necessary to come out and say what she actually means, which is, what else but interminable blather.

High Seas seeks to malign AAVE/AAE, again, in the dirty underhanded style she is famous for, by making ongoing completely vacuous suggestions, not pointed discussion, that it is not actually a dialect of English.

May 20, 2004

Seven years is probably long enough to wait for a reply to a letter before concluding that there will never be a reply. April 23 passed this year, like six before it, with still no reply to a letter about African American Vernacular English that I sent on that date in 1997 to the well known African American columnist William Raspberry (Pulitzer Prize nominee and recipient of several honorary doctorates), who writes for the Washington Post. So I think it's time to just post the letter on Language Log for others to see it.

I wrote the letter a few months after the disastrous press reception of the Oakland, California, school board's declaration on the possible educational importance of classroom use of what they most unwisely called `African Language Systems'. At just one point they also mentioned the name `Ebonics', and that was the name the press picked up on as they went into an orgy of riducle and outright hostility. (If you don't know the story, John Rickford's writings might be the place to start reading.) At the time, my own unwise practice (as in my commentary "Language that dare not speak its name" in Nature 386, 27 March 1997, 321-322) was to call the language in question African American English (AAE), since that was shorter than the familiar linguist's term African American Vernacular English (AAVE). What's unwise about that is that of course millions of African Americans don't speak the language at all; it is a vernacular dialect restricted mostly to uneducated residents of segregated areas. (I have corrected AAE to AAVE in the letter below.)

The occasion for writing the letter was that I had just seen the remarkably unfunny humorous column Raspberry published in the Washington Post on December 26, 1996, right after the Oakland story broke. Like everyone else, he was indirectly mocking the Oakland Unified School District and the idea of making an unprejudiced judgment about the sociolinguistic situation of many of Oakland's black schoolchildren, and directly mocking `Ebonics'.

Raspberry's column was bad, I mean ba-a-a-ad, in the Standard English sense, not the AAVE slang sense. The column was probably produced hastily, perhaps during what may have been a bibulous Christmas Day. I rather I hope he is ashamed of it. I won't explain all of the column, but basically it involved an imaginary alter ego of Raspberry himself getting into a cab in Washington DC and having a conversation, full of misunderstandings, in which the cab driver speaks AAVE and Raspberry does not. For example, the cab driver says 'Sup? (for "What's up?") as a greeting and the fictional Mr Raspberry thinks he is being asked if he would like to sup, so he says he has already dined (I did warn you that it was not funny). At the end, when he learns there is money in giving classes on AAVE, the fictional Mr Raspberry suddenly starts speaking it himself (as if all black people really do know it deep down).

My letter about this lame column was relatively friendly, though, because I sought information. I wanted to know something about him. I've shortened the letter a little below, removing some further boring friendlinesses that did not advance the main content (stuff about how it was ironic and perhaps apparently presumptuous for a white linguist born in Britain to be writing to an African American journalist about the grammar of AAVE). But perhaps the reason my letter met with seven years (so far) of stony silence was that nobody likes to be accused of being linguistically clueless, and what I had to say to him was at root, however politely cloaked, that he didn't know a single thing about the language he was mocking. This is extraordinary, because he was born in Okolona, Mississippi, in 1935, and I would have thought that would have put him in a monolingual AAVE community, but as I argue in the letter, it's as if he had never heard the language at all. Here's the letter, placed on Language Log for the record in case it has more interest to you than it apparently did to its distinguished addressee.

Stevenson College
University of California, Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, CA 95064

April 23, 1997

Mr William Raspberry
The Washington Post
1150 15th Street NW
Washington, DC 20071

Dear Mr Raspberry,

I have only just seen for the first time your column of December 26, 1996, "To Throw in a Lot of 'Bes,' or not? A conversation on Ebonics." There was one thing about it that fascinated me.

I'm a linguist, and one of those who claim that African-American Vernacular English (AAVE) is a consistent language with its own rules. What I noticed was that your piece includes two paragraphs -- just 32 words -- in which the characters speak entirely in AAVE. But there appear to me to be grammatical errors in the AAVE. Not cases of difference from standard English, which is of course what correct AAVE frequently has, but rather cases of difference from AAVE as I know it. Let me run through them.

First, you have the cabbie saying What you be talkin' 'bout, my man?. But the uninflected be of AAVE is normally a habitual aspect marker. Your cabbie does not mean 'what do you habitually talk about?', he means 'what are you talking about right now?'. Surely the normal AAVE for this would be What you talkin' 'bout?, with the zero copula, not the uninflected be.

Second, you have the cabbie saying I don't be offerin' you my grub. Again, this is clearly present progressive -- it is what is happening right there and then he is referring to, not some habitual state of affairs. So the be seems wrong here too. Maybe utterances like I don't be lying do sometimes occur in AAVE for 'I am not lying', but I've never heard the construction or encountered any reference to it in the research literature; whereas I've heard I ain't lyin' hundreds of times (as in the blues song 'I Put a Spell on You', where I ain't lyin' is used as a perfect rhyme for because you['re] mine; he doesn't sing, *I don't be lyin').

And in the same example, the don't seems likewise wrong. AAVE is like Finnish in that it has a separate copular verb of negation meaning 'not be', pronounced ain't, and you need that here. The normal way to say 'I am not offering you my food' in AAVE (if AAVE speakers really do use the word grub for a fish fillet and small fries, a point on which I will trust you) is I ain't offerin' you my grub. (For a more distinctively AAVE utterance you could have had your cabbie say, I ain't offerin' you no grub, with the multiple negation marking that is such a distinctive feature of AAVE, but which doesn't occur in your AAVE dialog.)

The fourth apparent error is also in the cabbie's speech. He says, I be sayin' hello. Once more, 'I habitually say hello' does not fit the context; the cabbie is explaining that his initial utterance, 'sup, was a greeting. It is quite unusual to find I be sayin' with the meaning 'I am saying'. There is an utterance containing they be sayin' quoted from the speaker called Larry in Bill Labov's paper 'The logic of nonstandard English', and it is quite clearly habitual in meaning. There are no occurrences anywhere I have found in which the meaning is progressive. In this example, the copula cannot be omitted, however: *I sayin' hello would be ungrammatical. In Hungarian, the zero copula occurs only in the third person, and in AAVE it is not permitted in the first person singular. So the most likely form we would get for this meaning would be I'm sayin' hello.

And fifth, at the end you have the Raspberry alter ego switching into AAVE for the punchline, as he realizes he could augment his columnist's salary by giving language lessons. Well, he shouldn't give up his day job, because he doesn't appear to know this language. Maybe you be onto somethin' dere, my bruvah, he says. But once more it is the immediate present he is referring to: he doesn't mean 'maybe you are habitually onto something', but rather, 'That's a good idea.' I'm quite sure that the most usual way of saying this would be Maybe you onto somethin' dere (second person, so you do get the zero copula).

There are other errors, too, in the things you have your characters say about AAVE rather than in it. The claim by the cabbie's brother-in-law that you have to "leave off final consonants" is an example. From the cabbie's first word, 'sup, there isn't a single final consonant missing in any of your AAVE dialog. (Words like somethin' are not missing a final consonant; n is the final consonant; standard English has ng instead, a velar nasal instead of an alveolar one, but in both dialects the word ends in a nasal consonant.) Unillustrated in your dialog is a process of reduction that gives AAVE res' for 'rest', respec' for 'respect', han' for 'hand', and so on. But it's quite tight and systematic; the rule is (at least approximately) that a word-final stop consonant is elided if it is preceded by another consonant of the same voicing. In words like belt and dump, all consonants are pronounced (t and p are voiceless but l and m are voiced), and likewise in Fats (s is a consonant of the same voicing as t, but it is not a stop so it is retained). The cabbie's brother-in-law would have us believe that in general or at random the last consonant of an AAVE is or may be dropped. That's dead wrong; his wife's brother deserves a better mentor.

I grant you, the Oakland School Board's resolution was badly written and at some points really stupid; it deserved much censure for its Afrocentric posing (AAVE is not a West African language in origin) and its clumsy formulations. But deep down, there are linguistic and (more importantly) educational issues on which the board is exactly right. Every time I saw another black columnist come out and join the ridicule chorus, as you did (more amusingly than most), it grieved me. The folks your alter ego accurately calls "the unlettered black masses" suffer so much, and take so much undeserved contempt and abuse. It is just not appropriate to add insult to this injury by showering ridicule, contempt, and abuse on the structurally interesting dialect they happen to speak. I was really sorry that virtually every columnist in the USA chose nonetheless to do just that.


Geoffrey K. Pullum
Professor of Linguistics

0 Replies
Reply Fri 27 Aug, 2010 09:41 pm
@High Seas,
You're such a terminal idiot, RexRed, your posts are beyond ridiculous and bordering on the hilariously absurd:

I see, there is no religious element to the Taliban just a bunch of secular fighters wanting to rule Afghanistan. How absurd of me to think that. You might want to tell Wikipedia to stop printing hilariously absurd lies...

Oh yea and America certainly has no religious element even though we have "in god we trust" printed on the many billions of our own currency.

Hell, no one is religious anymore... that would be hilariously absurd to think people are religious.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Feb, 2011 02:43 pm
I have been putting some more thought into this and searching for the seeds of war and I think i have found them.

These seeds of war are the very things I have discussed many time for many years in this forum.

It is really very simple once one finds the answer.

The whole crux of the matter is having to do with "standards" and YES, religion can exasterbate these seeds grow them and this is where war comes from.

This does not mean that seemingly non religious societies don't make war... This just means that the sense of wrong and right pervades all human discourse.

Religion just makes things worse.

I have personal experience with this myself.

It seems that some people grow up conflicted more than others. So the war is happening deep within their psyche. The complexity of the human condition where pride, dignity, calamity and the many emotion that ensue.

Growing up gay i must admit that for many years I was conflicted about my homosexuality.

When I was around twenty one years old I remember it as being a fence...

I was sitting on the fence, i was told this by a lesbian in a university bar one night when i was particularly troubled by my own "situation" of being gay.

So after talking to her I went off and thought about this fence. I imagined myself getting off the fence and running into the field. And the field of choice was always my homosexuality. So in my mind I would let myself wander unfettered in this place and this is where I found my true self.

From a young age we are taught standards that come from outside of ourselves. We form a word view of wrong and right from the sources of learning that surround us. As we mature we convert from the external sources to our own strongly held beliefs.

So the seeds of war are created in this fertile garden of self recognition.

When we learn to know the self we all grew in a precarious individual fashion.

MUCH of how we grow is derived from our surroundings but then there are behaviors that are genetically derived.

In the midst of this confusion of two forces pulling apart the individual by this dichotomy. on is society's way and the other is the way of the heart. The way of the heart knows no bounds and the way of society has no grace.

so the seeds of war are planted between the heart and mind.

They are planted by things extreme from the natural human condition. Humans are born unique.

So is the idea to become more alike or more different as individuals? Individuals need to perfect their uniqueness.

So what exactly are the seeds if the fertile ground is the heart and mind? (for the heart is the inner most part of the mind) So the heart decides the issues of the mind unless the mind is controlled by external forces. Still the heart must be a willing slave.

So the choice is to be a slave to your own will or to the will of some other force.

How much do the external forces align with the secret intents of the heart?

We are all raised mind controlled by society. Only a very few ever find themselves. We are driven by fables and superstitions blindly never knowing the reason for our own attraction. Abstract ideas and far fetched notions cloud the reality of what is the real issue.

It is a struggle with our own self.

Over standards. Our own standards, the standards of others and some imagined idea as to the standards of some imaginary perfect faultless god.

No on can measure up to this "god"... so, everyone is at fault.

This is the external reality. We refer to this aspect of life as "the law" (seed number one)...

So the law is planted in the heart and/or mind. (only the center of the mind is the heart.)

Yet we find in our lives that the law is neither perfect either. The law is filled with many loopholes and decided by imperfect human judges. The law is also written by imperfect prophets.

So we have various conflicting laws that masquerade as being the divine word and will of God.

She standards for laws as are not universal. Yest these laws are supposedly dictated by God in stone.

What are we to believe?

Well then we rely on our five senses. How do we feel about something?

Well, everyone's five senses knowledge is different because they see a different part of the tree.

I was always puzzled by the use in the bible of the word en-grafted.

I would read over that word and it would just draw blanks?

I never really knew what was being grafted to what. Well it is supposedly the believer being grafted to God but what God is still needs to be seen.

But is that it that we are grafted to god or the word is the the big answer?

I don't think so. I think the meaning of being en-grafted goes much deeper.

Here's my take on this.

The law is the tree... the tree grew and the branches of the law became unwieldy and barren of life. Liberty is also a tree... It branches also grew unwieldy and lifeless. Yet when we graft the law with liberty out grows new fruit that is alive and plenteous and full of character and diverse qualities.

So the two seeds are law and liberty and one seed if not grafted to the other produces a lifeless barren heart.

It seems that the entire new testament is about this idea of grafting liberty to the law and producing a free society.

This single ideal is what makes America what it is. The land of the free.

What makes us free? Because we grew from the tree of liberty or because we grew from the tree of laws or because we grafted them together and created a new fruit?

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