I think we are all sufferring from "abulia | ay-BOO-lee-uh | noun
: abnormal lack of ability to act or to make decisions."
Do ya think so cicerone? I can't decide.
that sounds like a lot of ay-BOO-lee-un logic to me
If a=b and b=d then c=something cause I skipped it, I think?
BillW, I think you're on the right track, but don't put any money on it, because I'm not sure. c.i.
I'm broke and put all my money on it!
If you don't put any money on it, is it still a bet?
C.I., that question kept me awake all night, and I still can't decide!
Sorry you couldn't sleep, I think. ;* c.i.
I think I did, did't I? But, what did it taste like?
I've made up my mind over the last 20 odd years, but now I'm not so sure once I put try to notate - uh, where was I?