I'll admit, I'm puzzled, and somewhat sad, at this "barrier" talk.
Why exactly are some of you afraid to peep over this barrier?
I'm not talking about people who commence this non-stop diahrrea of the mouth that some strangers can (and do) lay on you.
Most of the time conversing with strangers is not only pleasant, but leaves me with a renewed feeling of the interconnectedness of, not only people, but Everything.
If anyone looks ornry, unwelcoming and generally unhappy, it's me.
Maybe that's why people end up opening up. As soon as we start to talk, they realize looks can be deceiving.
Oh, I'm not Miss Mary Sunshine. To be honest, I really don't get that much out of a drive by friendship when it's with someone who is of the ilk that can't say **** if their mouth was full of it.
Get real man, let's have an off the wall sharing of opinions.
I've even been known to make stuff up to make the conversation more interesting. Not more than a handful of times, but I have. Why not?
That's the great thing about talking to strangers. You're probably not going to see them again.
Me: Oh yeah, when I was in my 20's I was a prostitute. Really rough life. Glad I came to my senses.
That'll keep the conversation going.
Last time I flew, my husband and I had the horrible experience of missing a flight (airlines fault - we had 15 minutes between flights, our flight was late coming in, and they moved the gate clear over to the other side of the airport.)
Anyway, Neither of us slept for over 36 hours, stuck in the terminal. When we Finally got a flight going home I was totally spent, irritable, and couldn't think straight.
I'm sitting in a window seat, eyes glazed over (I can't sleep on an airplane), when the person next me asked me if I wanted her apple, from the airline snack.
I wearily turned my head, intending to just give a blank stare. My eyes met the eyes of this 14 year old girl, whose soul was just laid bare of her face, showing she was just trying to be kind, and not wasteful. "I like apples, but they hurt my braces"
I learned that this wasn't her first flight, but it was her first trip, and she'd flown the first time just 5 days before.
She told me she was from Mitchell, South Dakota, "Of course you've heard of the Mitchell Corn Palace"
no, I haven't...
"Really?! Well, it's very famous. It's made entirely from corn. My cousin works there. She's 19."
We ended up talking about her concerns about the environment, her school, boys "I don't have a boyfriend......yet"
She said she would be landing at home at 10:30, and her mother was going to pick her up.
"She's probably going to make me go to school from the airport....rolling eyes"
Oh, I don't think she'll do that, the day will be half over, and she hasn't seen you for a week.
"Well, my DAD wouldn't make me go to school, but my mom will......well, she might want me to go....Maybe not."
She looked pensive for a moment, and leaned in close to share this secret...."you know what I'd really like? There's a Carino's italian restaurant in Sioux Falls. I hope I can get my mom to take me to lunch there. That would be so great"
By this time, more than an hour later, I was wide awake, and looking at this bright pretty young girl that thought getting spaghetti for lunch with her mom would just be the greatest thing. I thought how little it really takes to make someone happy.
I told her that she could tell her mom that I said she should definately take her to Carino's.
She did this little pressing her lips together and giving an affirmative little nod, like "yes, I'll do it!"
My leg of the flight landed first, and I told her I would definately visit the Corn Palace one day.
She told me I would love it.
Now look what I would have missed if I'd had some barrier up.