Mon 19 Jul, 2010 09:50 am
A couple days ago I decided to take a walk around Back Bay a large bay of salt water that is annexed from the ocean with a bridge spanning the inlet. It is a seven mile walk I am told though it felt like five. After walking through the public owned flower gardens I decided to sit on a rock on the shores margin. I have an eye for small details. I looked into the sea waters edge and there was a tiny minnow scurrying about. I did not know what kind of fish that was, or if it would ever grow to be a great fish. But there it was swimming around and staying very close to the waters edge as if that was the only place the fish felt safe from bigger fish.
As I lifted my head and looked out over the vast bay, I was amazed by the sheer comparative size of the bay alone versus the tiny cluster of rocks this little fish called home. Then I thought of all of the oceans of the earth and the seemingly limitless universe and I considered how infinitesimally small this fish really was and incapable of knowing about the encompassing universe.
It made me sad because I in someways worship knowledge and to think that such a tiny fish would never be able to know the full dimensions of it's existence. Were tiny fish ever to set out to search the oceans for God how futile a search would that be. Yet would that futility deter its energy of conviction even though the fish may grow up and dive out of the waters and breath the fresh air through its gills and relate the outside world maybe to heaven only to have layers of other stars and planets that it could never possibly know of.
Would it be able to perceive the stars with its tiny eyes? As a bird swoops down and lifts the fish from its existence is this thought of as the recompense for sin?
How futile is our search for God? Can we learn something about our own lives from this minnow? It seemed to be searching for something in the warm waters edge. Are we cognoscente that we live only on the waters edge and there is a giant bay that we are unaware of? This bay is attached to a giant ocean and this ocean is attached to a figurative earth and the earth dependent upon suns and the sun a minor player in this galaxy and the galaxy attached to a region of space and the region of space only a small margin to infinite regions of pure light? Is this tiny fish's desire to know God any less or greater than our own search?
Will this tiny fish ever find God among the rocks and pebbles of the water's margin? Will we?
Where is God?
I shuttered when I ate my omega three pill this morning. And, my next blurb will be about the fruit fly that lives around my kitchen sink.
After I was done speculating about the fish that day two young men walked up to me one was slightly dark complected and probably about 18 years old. He had the countenance of an angel they darted across the parking lot to talk to me. I had my headphones on and took them out of my ears to hear what they wanted to ask me.
The dark one took out a card and invited me to a bible study meeting. I looked straight at him and said quietly, "I have most of the bible memorized, but, I had to drop it..." Then I said in a calm voice, "That book kills people." They were a bit stunned and speechless as I turned my back to them and then walked off.
I just wondered how my life would have been changed had someone tried to turn me away from the bible when I was a missionary at age 18 and out to save the world.
I know they will never forget my few words of blunt frankness.
What else can I say, I don't believe in the racist bible anymore. And the dark complected angelic one certainly did not look like God's "chosen ones" look. He looked more Hispanic than Jewish.
My mind is so twisted I think I will remain an agnostic for the rest of my days. The less I think and ponder upon that book, the more positive my life and outlook is .
Error upon error with no real correction and the ending of the cursed book does not resolve the errors it just ends in destruction, a negative outcome I refuse to impose upon the world. I love the world which, the bible taught me at a young age that the world is by nature evil. I cried that day when I was taught that and years later I just don't believe it anymore.